1.0 ROLLING CUMULATIVE PATCH LAYER OVERVIEW This is a Rolling Cumulative Patch Layer for the base Wind River Linux 9.0 release. This RCPL provides fixes for known problems. For information on updating your projects, see the Product Updates section of the Wind River Linux Getting Started guide. https://knowledge.windriver.com/en-us/000_Products/000/010/050/000/000_Wind_River_Linux_Getting_Started%2C_9/020 The update procedure involves updating your projectDir/wrlinux-9 repository, and then re-running the setup.sh program with the original arguments. The procedure for upgrading your project is shown in the Updating Wind River Linux section of that guide: https://knowledge.windriver.com/en-us/000_Products/000/010/050/000/000_Wind_River_Linux_Getting_Started%2C_9/020/020 2.0 RCPL Update Implementation The distribution is a set of git repositories that are used to generate project directories at setup time. An RCPL appends new fixes to these repositories. As a result, the git repositories can grow with each new RCPL. The product name branches include two specific branch names. The first is a continuous integration branch. The continuous integration branch tracks the latest RCPL version release by Wind River, and does not include an RCPL number. For example: * WRLINUX_9_BASE * WRLINUX_9_LTS * WRLINUX_9_LTS_CVE These branches will always match the latest released RCPL. The second branch name is RCPL-specific, with a reference to a specific RCPL, such as: * WRLINUX_9_BASE_RCPL0001 * WRLINUX_9_LTS_RCPL0002 * WRLINUX_9_LTS_CVE_RCPL0010 To identify which branch you are on, run the following commands: $ cd projectDir/wrlinux-9 $ git branch 3.0 Selecting a specific RCPL Follow the procedure as indicated in the Updating Wind River Linux section of the Wind River Linux Getting Started guide located at: https://knowledge.windriver.com/en-us/000_Products/000/010/050/000/000_Wind_River_Linux_Getting_Started%2C_9/020/020 In step 3, of the procedure you will use the branchName of the RCPL that you wish to use. For example: $ git checkout WRLINUX_9_LTS_CVE_RCPL0002 4.0 Change Log The following is a summary of the changes made in each RCPL version. The initial product distribution occurred with RCPL0001. Defect List: ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-09-09 LIN9-8637 - libc-package.bbclass: Split locale hard link processing into two parts LIN9-8637 - cross-localedef-native: Backport --no-hard-links feature LIN9-8637 - cross-localedef-native: Add hardlink resolver from util-linux none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 23 ======================= =============================== none - Revert "wrlinux-distro-settings.conf: Add workaround for uid host-user-contaminated issues of glibc-locale" none - Revert "insane.bbclass: Add add more info for uid host-user-contaminated issue" LIN9-8920 - postfix-native: support build with kernel version >= 5 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-08-12 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-07-26 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-07-09 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-07-03 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-06-27 LIN9-8663 - wrltemplate.bbclass: Fix for reload of bsp-pkgs.incmaster-wr LIN9-8663 - wrltemplate.bbclass: Fix for reload of bsp-pkgs.conf LIN9-8663 - wrltemplate.bbclass: Fix for reload of image.inc none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-06-19 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 22 LIN9-8604 - wrlinux-distro-settings.conf: Add workaround for uid host-user-contaminated issues of glibc-locale LIN9-8604 - insane.bbclass: Add add more info for uid host-user-contaminated issue LIN9-8610 - fontconfig: Fix namespace conflicts with glibc LIN9-8601 - e2fsprogs-native: rename copy_file_range to copy_file_chunk LIN9-8599 - cross-localedef-native: add a workaround building on host with glibc >= 2.26 LIN9-8596 - qemu: memfd: fix configure test ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-06-05 LIN9-8520 - gcc: Reduce the variables in symtab none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-05-24 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-05-16 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-05-09 LIN9-8357 - sysstat: Enable option '--enable-install-cron' none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-04-12 none - fixup! classes/image.bbclass: Fix it when WRTEMPLATE_CONF_WRIMAGE is not defined. LIN9-8185 - classes/image.bbclass: Fix it when WRTEMPLATE_CONF_WRIMAGE is not defined. LIN9-6264 - dovecot: Fix parallel build LIN9-8075 - glibc: fix three CVE issues LIN9-8036 - glibc: fix three CVE issues LIN9-8035 - glibc: fix three CVE issues none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 21 LIN9-5197 - gcc-6.2: fix CVE-2016-4492 CVE-2016-4493 LIN9-5196 - gcc-6.2: fix CVE-2016-4492 CVE-2016-4493 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-03-11 LIN9-8168 - linux-libc-headers-windriver: add RPROVIDES for linux-libc-headers-windriver-dev ======================= =============================== LIN9-8158 - init-live: remove if condition to aviod specify other root=/dev/xxx option LIN9-8160 - oe-core: do not depend systemd to avoid configure to used sysvinit LIN9-8159 - oe-core: fix File truncated error when build ledmon US130562 - Remove the .git suffix. LIN9-8161 - wrlinux-image-minimal-initramfs: do not install modules when buid with wr-installer US130562 - oe-core-dl-2-2.xml: add git source of ledmon and mdadm US130562 - wrlinux-image-minimal-initramfs: install mdadm and necessary kernel module to initramfs US130562 - init-install: add support for install image to md raid disk US130562 - init-live: allow boot rootfs from an real hardware disk US130562 - oe-core: add ledmon to support Intel VROC US130562 - init-live: add support for booting from raid disk US130562 - oe-core: update mdadm to the newest version none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-02-24 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-02-20 LIN9-8023 - rtld: strcspn will cause "valgrind uname" to segmentation fault. LIN9-8018 - wrlinux-image-initramfs: add the libgcc into the ramfs LIN9-7997 - binutils: Security Advisory - binutils - CVE-2018-20671 LIN9-7959 - Add support for disabling automatic generation of .eh_frame_hdr sections in ELF based linkers. LIN9-7117 - binutils: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6802 - binutils: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6795 - binutils: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6785 - binutils: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6772 - binutils: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6636 - binutils: fix 6 CVEs none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2019-01-08 LIN9-7941 - binutils: Security Advisory - binutils - CVE-2018-1000876 LIN9-7880 - glibc: Security Advisory - glibc - CVE-2018-19591 LIN9-7889 - binutils: fixes for CVE-2018-19931 CVE-2018-19932 CVE-2018-20002 LIN9-7870 - binutils: fixes for CVE-2018-19931 CVE-2018-19932 CVE-2018-20002 LIN9-7839 - binutils: fixes for CVE-2018-19931 CVE-2018-19932 CVE-2018-20002 LIN9-7077 - binutils: Synchronize libiberty with gcc and add --no-recruse-limit option to tools that support name demangling. LIN9-7053 - binutils: Synchronize libiberty with gcc and add --no-recruse-limit option to tools that support name demangling. LIN9-7043 - binutils: Synchronize libiberty with gcc and add --no-recruse-limit option to tools that support name demangling. LIN9-7040 - binutils: Synchronize libiberty with gcc and add --no-recruse-limit option to tools that support name demangling. LIN9-7018 - binutils: Synchronize libiberty with gcc and add --no-recruse-limit option to tools that support name demangling. LIN9-7077 - gcc: add a recursion limit to libiberty's demangling code. The limit is enabled by default, but can be disabled via a new demangling option. LIN9-7053 - gcc: add a recursion limit to libiberty's demangling code. The limit is enabled by default, but can be disabled via a new demangling option. LIN9-7043 - gcc: add a recursion limit to libiberty's demangling code. The limit is enabled by default, but can be disabled via a new demangling option. LIN9-7040 - gcc: add a recursion limit to libiberty's demangling code. The limit is enabled by default, but can be disabled via a new demangling option. LIN9-7018 - gcc: add a recursion limit to libiberty's demangling code. The limit is enabled by default, but can be disabled via a new demangling option. none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-12-12 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 20 LIN9-7777 - local.conf.sample: Add the disclaimer indicating for removing debug-tweaks feature LIN9-7777 - wrlinux-image-glibc-small: cleanup the setting of debug-tweaks feature LIN9-7777 - wrlinux-image-initramfs: cleanup the setting of debug-tweaks feature none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-11-28 ======================= =============================== LIN9-7692 - binutils: fix five CVE issues LIN9-7668 - binutils: fix five CVE issues LIN9-7660 - binutils: fix five CVE issues LIN9-7638 - binutils: fix five CVE issues LIN9-7634 - binutils: fix five CVE issues LIN9-7710 - glibc: always do locking when iterating over list of streams none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-11-07 LIN9-7620 - conf/layer.conf: define BBFILE_PATTERN_yocto-dummy LIN9-7620 - meta-yocto/conf/layer.conf: define a dummy collection none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-10-22 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 19 ======================= =============================== LIN9-7526 - wrlinux-whitelist.conf: whitelist xf86-video-ati LIN9-7587 - binutils: fix three CVE issues LIN9-7556 - binutils: fix three CVE issues LIN9-7554 - binutils: fix three CVE issues none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-10-16 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-10-15 US117090 - conf/wrlinux-whitelist.conf: disable meta-hdc US117090 - feature/python-device-cloud: disable it US117090 - meta-device-cloud-dl.xml: remove it LIN9-7005 - Toaster: enable offline projects [ LIN9-7005 ] none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-10-10 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-10-09 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-10-08 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-09-20 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-09-19 LIN9-7431 - qemux86-64: wic: Add MLPREFIX to syslinux none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-09-10 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-09-03 LIN9-5195 - gcc: fix building error for gcc-sanitizers none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-09-02 LIN9-6155 - gcc: CVE-2017-5715 LIN9-5195 - gcc: Security Advisory - gcc - CVE-2016-4491 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-29 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-28 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-23 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-22 LIN9-6838 - package_manager: flush installed_pkgs file before oe-pkgdata-util uses it none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-20 LIN9-7305 - machine-sdk: Ensure SDK_DEPENDS doesn't contain nativesdk-glibc-locale LIN9-7305 - machine-sdk: disable locales in SDK none - Revert "populate_sdk_base: only depend on nativesdk-glibc-locale when SDK_OS is not mingw32" none - Revert "sdk: only install the locale when SDK_OS is not mingw32" none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-19 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-12 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 18 LIN9-7305 - sdk: only install the locale when SDK_OS is not mingw32 LIN9-7305 - populate_sdk_base: only depend on nativesdk-glibc-locale when SDK_OS is not mingw32 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-08-01 ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-07-30 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-07-27 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-07-22 LIN9-6838 - package_manager: fix install_glob to use morty sdk [ LIN9-6838 ] pkgdir LIN9-6838 - sdk: generate locale archive and remove packages [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - cross-localedef-native: add way to specify which locale [ LIN9-6838 ] archive to write LIN9-6838 - populate_sdk_base: depend on nativesdk-glibc-locale [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - populate_sdk: install UTF-8 locales in SDKs [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - sdk: only install locales if we're using glibc [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - sdk: install specified locales into SDK [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - package-manager: add install_glob() [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - package_manager: improve install_complementary [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - package_manager: don't race on a file when installing [ LIN9-6838 ] complementary packages LIN9-6838 - lib/oe/package_manager: bail if createrepo can't be [ LIN9-6838 ] found LIN9-6838 - package_manager: remove strings and migrate to direct [ LIN9-6838 ] arrays LIN9-6838 - glibc: relocate locale paths in nativesdk [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - glibc: don't use host locales in nativesdk [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6838 - default-distrovars: don't rename locales for nativesdk [ LIN9-6838 ] LIN9-6612 - wrlinux-installer.conf: increase INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE to fix do_image_cpio failure LIN9-7098 - microcode-ctl: add branch=gone since upstream convert branch master to gone none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-07-08 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-07-03 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-07-02 LIN9-7004 - Update the repo links of ca-certificates, ncurses and ifupdown LIN9-7004 - Update several invalid SRC_URIs LIN9-7004 - ncurses: change SRC_URI from Debian anonscm to salsa LIN9-7004 - ifupdown: correct the repository location LIN9-7004 - ca-certificates: change SRC_URI from Debian anonscm to salsa none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-06-22 LIN9-6960 - glibc: fix the patch conflict in Changelog LIN9-6960 - glibc: fix Non AVX test code return non-zero LVL1,2 AVX licenses LIN9-6933 - glibc: fix CVE-2017-18269/CVE-2018-11236/CVE-2018-11237 LIN9-6919 - glibc: fix CVE-2017-18269/CVE-2018-11236/CVE-2018-11237 LIN9-6918 - glibc: fix CVE-2017-18269/CVE-2018-11236/CVE-2018-11237 LIN9-6962 - gcc: use may_alias for std::function storage none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-06-13 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-06-06 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-06-05 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 17 LIN9-6951 - Replace deprecated git branch parameter "--set-upstream" none - settings.py: move from git.wrs.com to lxgit.wrs.com LIN9-6889 - glibc: Fix busybox nslookup segfault none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-05-28 ======================= =============================== LIN9-1050 - wr-common-packages-native: add change-file-endianness none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-05-23 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-05-17 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-05-14 LIN9-6852 - Update the SCR_URI of packages mesa/neon/libpng12 to fix 3 warnings none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-05-09 US113025 - bin/stup.py: prevent base branch switching with checked out branch none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-05-07 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-05-02 LIN9-6360 - linux-firmware: Remove underscore from linux-firmware-rtl8723bs_* packages LIN9-6737 - byacc: Updated to valid SRC_URI [ LIN9-6737 ] none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-04-23 LIN9-6509 - geoip: checksum update (april 2018) none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-04-10 LIN9-6681 - CPU model updates for CVE-2017-5715 (Spectre variant #2) none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 16 LIN9-6592 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6570 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6552 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6550 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6543 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-03-28 ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-03-23 LIN9-6613 - only support python2's meta-hdc LIN9-6516 - man: Update fetch URL LIN9-6609 - python-pytest-runner: depends on python-setuptools-scm-native none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-03-16 LIN9-5959 - lsbinitscripts: update URL LIN9-5959 - update URLs of libmine and iscsi-initiator-utils LIN9-6509 - geoip: Checksum update none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-03-14 LIN9-6457 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6416 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6387 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6332 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6029 - binutils: fix 5 CVEs LIN9-6411 - glibc: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6407 - glibc: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6393 - glibc: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6236 - glibc: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6235 - glibc: fix 6 CVEs LIN9-6050 - glibc: fix 6 CVEs US110421 - meta-device-cloud-dl.xml: add git repos for meta-hdc and its dependencies US110421 - templates/feature: add device cloud none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-03-12 LIN10-3479 - distcc: update for upstream changes none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-03-08 none - kver: 4.8.26 ---> 4.8.28 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-03-08 LIN9-6363 - image.bbclass: let do_image depend on do_populate_lic of EXTRA_IMAGEDEPENDS LIN9-6363 - Revert "wrlinux-image-initramfs: depends on grub-efi:do_populate_lic" LIN9-6076 - gdb: Remove host path from images [V2] [ LIN9-6076 ] LIN9-6076 - binutils: Remove host path in target images [V2] [ LIN9-6076 ] LIN9-6076 - binutils: Remove host path from images [V2] [ LIN9-6076 ] LIN9-6076 - glibc: Remove host path from images [V2] [ LIN9-6076 ] none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-02-27 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-02-06 LIN9-5959 - pam: update the URL, the original link is invalid. LIN9-2291 - ncurses: Add a patch to fix the CC/CFLAGS mangling that broke builds none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 15 LIN9-2291 - utils.bbclass: Support applications with arguments in check_app_exist() LIN9-6344 - libmpc: the download mirror redirects to ftp.gnu.org LIN9-6342 - v86d: take tarball from another mirror none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-31 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-29 ======================= =============================== LIN9-6252 - linux-firmware: Skip arch insane check for linux firmware. LIN9-6240 - Change commit version from upstream repository to include new version of firmware. LIN9-6240 - intel-x86: Add wireless 7265D firmware version 29 to intel-x86. none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-24 LIN9-6244 - gcc: Internal Compiler Error observed in WRL9 toolchain none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-19 LIN9-6228 - geoip: Update checksums none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-11 LIN9-6159 - xilinx-zynqmp.xml: correct use the layer's name but not package's name LIN9-5959 - python-ipy: update SRC_URI LIN9-6159 - xf86-video-armsoc.xml: add package xf86-video-armsoc to local LIN9-6149 - xerces-c: replace download url none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-05 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-04 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2018-01-02 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-28 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-26 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-21 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 14 LIN9-6035 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-14) LIN9-6034 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-14) LIN9-6032 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-14) LIN9-6024 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-14) LIN9-6013 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-14) LIN9-6002 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-14) LIN9-5891 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-06) LIN9-5886 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-06) LIN9-5884 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-06) LIN9-5878 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-06) LIN9-5866 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-06) LIN9-5773 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-06) LIN9-5377 - binutils: update CVE patches (2017-12-06) LIN9-6048 - wpa-supplicant: use '?=' to replace '=' for PACKAGECONFIG none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-18 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-17 LIN9-5959 - numactl: fix typo LIN9-5991 - GeoIP: update checksums LIN9-5959 - python-ipy: update the invalid SRC_URI none - Revert "python-ipy: update SRC_URI to git repo instead of tar.gz" LIN9-5959 - numactl: update invalid SRC_URI LIN9-5941 - microcode-ctl: update microcode to version 2017 none - Revert "numactl: Update to latest from github" LIN9-5959 - python-ipy: update SRC_URI to git repo instead of tar.gz LIN9-5959 - Fix several invalid SRC_URIs LIN9-5959 - numactl: Update to latest from github LIN9-5959 - linux-firmware: add the iwlwifi-8000C-19.ucode LIN9-5959 - Update the invalid SRC_URLs to fix fetching WARNINGs none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-12 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-11 LIN9-5849 - glibc: malloc: add missing arena lock in malloc_info ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-07 LIN9-5960 - u-boot: instead of qoriq with correct OVERRIDES value for arm64 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-06 LIN9-5856 - image.bbclass: Sorted ctypes to avoid basehash error none - Disable use of clone.bundle on HTTP/HTTPS to eliminate 404 error messages none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-05 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-12-04 LIN9-5943 - glibc: WRL9 Regression failure for PowerPC target LIN9-5942 - gcc: WRL9 ICE failure for MIPS target none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-30 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-29 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-28 LIN9-4583 - wr-common-packages-native: add items none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-28 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-27 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-26 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 13 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-23 LIN9-5828 - gnu-efi: Fix defect about gnu-efi fetch failure [ LIN9-5828 ] none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-20 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-19 LIN9-5830 - linux-windriver: v4.8.24 ---> v4.8.26 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-17 LIN9-5731 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) LIN9-5629 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) LIN9-5623 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) LIN9-5286 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) none - glibc: fix build conflict caused by commit 0c25d65da5a2 LIN9-5678 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5605 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5598 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5596 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5589 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5583 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5581 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5566 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5565 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5557 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5553 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5552 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5535 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5530 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5411 - grub2: fix boot failure of bootx64.efi compiled by tune with avx512 LIN9-5403 - glibc: Get 2 performance related patches from upstream LIN9-4972 - glibc: Security Advisory - glibc - CVE-2017-12132 LIN9-4793 - gcc: Security Advisory - gcc - CVE-2017-11671 LIN9-4564 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-4513 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-4506 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities US101495 - qemux86 qemux86-64: Enable pci LIN9-4904 - glibc: add ld.so locks in _libc_fork LIN9-4707 - linux-yocto: only suggest default kernel type LIN9-4315 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4313 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4308 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4306 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4283 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4230 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4229 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4222 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4205 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4192 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4187 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4184 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-1947 - glibc: add ld.so locks in _libc_fork LIN9-3956 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3950 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3945 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3941 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3900 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3888 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3809 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7227 LIN9-3735 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7225 LIN9-3721 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7224 LIN9-3640 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7226 LIN9-4527 - glibc: Fix CVE-2015-5180 LIN9-4436 - sudo: Security Advisory - sudo - CVE-2017-1000368 LIN9-4425 - sudo: Security Advisory - sudo - CVE-2017-1000367 LIN9-3710 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7223 in gas LIN9-4441 - glibc: fix to CVE-2017-100366 [ LIN9-4441 ] SCP9-49 - blacklist.bbclass: fix for multilib none - useradd-example: exclude from world LIN9-4153 - icu: Use LARGE_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE for cmd US96789 - rpm: fix compile errors when openssl disable weak encryptions support TA181885 - Backport fix for SDK artifacts LIN9-3864 - gnome-common: add PACKAGECONFIG for autoconf-archive LIN9-3848 - gnome-common: add PACKAGECONFIG for autoconf-archive LIN9-3364 - libpng/libpng12: update SRC_URI LIN9-3600 - packagegroup-core-lsb: avoid rebuilding when changing layer config LIN9-3366 - bash: memleak bug fix for builtin command read LIN9-3263 - unzip: CVE-2014-9913 CVE-2016-9844 [ LIN9-3263 LIN9-3232 ] LIN9-3232 - unzip: CVE-2014-9913 CVE-2016-9844 [ LIN9-3263 LIN9-3232 ] CGP9-175 - ptest.bbclass: use BPN in PTEST_PATH for multilib CGP9-133 - lsb: add check before create link LIN9-3259 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9445/CVE-2016-9446 LIN9-3189 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9445/CVE-2016-9446 LIN9-3104 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3103 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3102 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3087 - gst-plugins-base: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9811 LIN9-3086 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9807 LIN9-3082 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3081 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9809 LIN9-3090 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9813 LIN9-3085 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9810 LIN9-3078 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9812 CGP9-122 - systemd: add dependency on initscripts-sushell for selinux LIN9-3222 - libwebp: Security Advisory - libwebp - CVE-2016-9085 LIN9-2991 - ruby: Security Advisory - ruby - CVE-2016-2337 LIN9-2984 - bind: Security Advisory - bind - CVE-2016-9444 LIN9-2902 - curl: Security Advisory - curl - CVE-2016-9586 CGP9-122 - initscripts: split sushell into sub package LIN9-2980 - bind: Security Advisory - bind - CVE-2016-9131 LIN9-3292 - ruby - CVE-2016-7798 LIN9-3277 - qemu: CVE-2016-9381 LIN9-3267 - gcc: CVE-2016-6131 in libiberty LIN9-2953 - ruby: Security Advisory - ruby - CVE-2016-2339 LIN9-2178 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2176 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2175 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2173 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2170 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2163 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2160 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2146 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-1743 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 CGP9-111 - ltp: Fix renameat202 test failed LIN9-3195 - bash: fix CVE-2016-7543 LIN9-3134 - dhcp: Add choice for "with ddns" and "no ddns". LIN9-3119 - gnutls: fix libseccomp usage LIN9-3128 - openssl: CVE-2017-3732 LIN9-3076 - guile: Security Advisory - guile - CVE-2016-8606 LIN9-2952 - openssh: Security Advisory - openssh - CVE-2016-10010 LIN9-2911 - ltp: Fix containers/userns05 failure for 32 bit LIN9-3100 - libgcc-common.inc: Fix symbol link to mutilib directories LIN9-3013 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2997 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2982 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2974 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2970 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2968 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2964 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2925 - openssh: CVE-2016-20012 LIN9-2924 - openssh: CVE-2016-10011 LIN9-2923 - openssh: CVE-2016-10009 LIN9-2907 - gnupg: specify explicitly tar path LIN9-2875 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2871 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2859 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2858 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2854 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2832 - kexec-tools: ARM: fix align issue of add_buffer_phys_virt() for LPAE kernel LIN9-2823 - perl-native: process -fstack-protector-strong LIN9-2801 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2796 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2791 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2783 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2765 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2732 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2730 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2729 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2723 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2721 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2719 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2711 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2704 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2694 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2685 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2673 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 TA167452 - kexec-tools: Upgrade to 2.0.14 LIN9-2840 - nettle: modify configure script to get consistent build LIN9-2806 - ghostscript: fix race condition of creating directory LIN9-2757 - libxfixes: Security Advisory - libxfixes - CVE-2016-7944 none - Revert "subversion: fix "svnadmin create" fail on x86" LIN9-2625 - bootchart2-native: correct python3 path LIN9-2111 - apr: fix off_t size can't match when configure and in target glibc LIN9-1529 - guile: .x files depend on .i files LIN9-1202 - gpgme: add GPGME_STATUS_KEY_CONSIDERED LIN9-2569 - extrausers.bbclass: Use PACKAGE_INSTALL instead of IMAGE_INSTALL LIN9-2502 - site/powerpc64-linux: add cvs_cv_func_printf_ptr LIN9-2447 - valgrind-ptest: add dependency on dbg package LIN9-1701 - glibc: Fix unpacked timestamp of plural.c LIN9-1529 - guile: modify default .scm.go rule LIN9-2453 - ltp: avoid segmentation fault in netns tests LIN9-2447 - valgrind: improvements for run-ptest LIN9-2447 - valgrind: fix the return value for ptest LIN9-2234 - image.bbclass: inherit image_types_uboot when needed LIN9-1981 - ltp/posix: replace CWD with PWD none - git: upgrade to 2.11.0 LIN9-2491 - kernel.bbclass: let do_deploy depend on do_packagedata LIN9-2460 - ghostscript: resolve make circular dependency LIN9-2455 - runqemu: set default device and hostfwd for slirp LIN9-2444 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_original error for matchbox-desktop LIN9-2208 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_original error for matchbox-desktop none - runqemu: add user mode (SLIRP) support to x86 QEMU targets LIN9-687 - gcr: add missing dependencies for vapi LIN9-2451 - kernel-devsrc: remove symlink source LIN9-2288 - qemu: Fix pci-assign TA163130 - ghostscript: add PACKAGECONFIG x11 LIN9-912 - python3: fix library search path LIN9-2322 - webkitgtk: add packageconfig for opengl LIN9-2317 - archiver.bbclass: fix can't create diff tarball LIN9-2009 - gdk-pixbuf: fix ptest RDEPENDS for multilib build TA163130 - dbus-test: sync x11 configure options with dbus none - meta/conf/layer.conf: Add recommended download layer LIN9-2075 - gdb-cross: depends on flex-native and bison-native [ LIN9-2075 ] LIN9-2349 - qemuboot.bbclass: use IMGDEPLOYDIR LIN9-2286 - scripts/runqemu: fix checking for .cpio.gz LIN9-2098 - package.bbclass: support persistent /var/log LIN9-2098 - initscripts: support persistent /var/log LIN9-2098 - bitbake.conf: add VOLATILE_LOG_DIR variable LIN9-2098 - base-files: respect VOLATILE_LOG_DIR none - grub/grub-efi: fix conflict LIN9-2199 - icu: avoid host contamination LIN9-1916 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8624 LIN9-1915 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8623 LIN9-1912 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8622 LIN9-1919 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8620 LIN9-1911 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8621 LIN9-1910 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8619 LIN9-1908 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8618 LIN9-1907 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8617 LIN9-1906 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8616 LIN9-1904 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8615 LIN9-1647 - curl: fix CVE-2016-7141 LIN9-1646 - curl: fix CVE-2016-7167 none - runqemu: Split out the base name of QB_DEFAULT_KERNEL none - oeqa/sdkext/sdk_update.py: skip the test LIN9-2246 - oe/copy_buildsystem.py: add SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN LIN9-2219 - ltp: fix an incorrect macro checking LIN9-2249 - oeqa/sdkext/devtool.py: skip test_extend_autotools_recipe_creation when no libxml2 LIN9-2249 - oeqa/oetest.py: add hasLockedSig() LIN9-2248 - oe-publish-sdk: make cmd easier to read LIN9-2248 - oe-publish-sdk: add pyshtables.py to .gitignore LIN9-2187 - oeqa/sdkext/devtool.py: don't reset when the test is failed LIN9-2247 - oeqa/sdkext/devtool.py: remove workspace/sources before running test cases LIN9-2198 - libfm: disable build static library LIN9-2187 - populate_sdk_ext.bbclass: install multilib targets as populate_sdk does LIN9-2047 - iproute2: add tipc tool LIN9-1719 - gdk-pixbuf: Fix CVE-2016-6352 LIN9-2127 - sanity.bbclass: fix check_connectivity() for BB_NO_NETWORK = "0" LIN9-1986 - rpm: fix multilib macro installation LIN9-1902 - gcc-sanitizers: Fix libtool .la files LIN9-1768 - boost-ptest: remove the host linkpath LIN9-2122 - sanity.bbclass:check_connectivity(): print more error messages LIN9-2049 - populate_sdk_ext.bbclass: use weak assignment for TOOLCHAINEXT_OUTPUTNAME LIN9-2003 - classes/cpan-base: fix for PERLVERSION LIN9-1969 - e2fsprogs: fix hardcoded path for ptest script LIN9-1959 - tcf-agent: fix systemd service file LIN9-1460 - populate_sdk_base.bbclass: add handling package exclusions to do_populate_sdk LIN9-2014 - packagegroup-core-sdk: Disable sanitizers for mips64el LIN9-1991 - populate_sdk_ext.bbclass: check unfsd before create it LIN9-1949 - grub_git: set COMPATIBLE_HOST_armv7ve to null LIN9-1878 - trace-cmd: fix QA warning US83573 - extend Toaster GUI with wrlinux content TA181887 - Add kernel/templates to dashboard, remove OE release TA181887 - Add anspass support to Toaster, noweb startup TA181885 - Toaster integration with LX9 setup and mirrors TA181885 - Remove obsolete Toaster fixture file TA181885 - Refactor WRDistro, fix SDK artifacts TA181885 - Backport Toaster DB location patches none - fix for python3 none - bitbake: runqueue/cooker: catch hashvalidate error in RunQueueExecuteScenequeue LIN9-4704 - toaster: add remote HTTP API to enable status aggregation LIN9-4703 - toaster: trim build target input LIN9-4703 - toaster: set clone progress default to off LIN9-4703 - toaster: include setscene in task progress LIN9-4597 - Toaster: custom image updates and original creation LIN9-4481 - Toaster: custom image updates and original creation LIN9-4466 - Toaster: pass wrlinux-x path via custom.xml LIN9-4460 - Toaster: add progress bar for cloning LIN9-4362 - Toaster access WindShare from remote directory LIN9-4351 - LIN9-4351 Toaster OperationalError: too many SQL variables LIN9-4345 - use exit instead of return LIN9-4335 - toaster: address Django-1.10 API deprecations LIN9-1867 - lib/bb/cooker.py: fix for BBFILE_PATTERN = "" LIN9-1170 - bb/ui/crumbs/multilogtail.py: decode readline() none - msg.py, knotty.py: Allow dynamic toggle of the debug log level none - knotty.py: update footer on dynamic log level change none - knotty.py: Handle rare interrupted select call none - knotty.py: Extend knotty to support "real time" log tail for tasks none - knotty.py: Add the ability to dynamically select loglevel from stdin none - knotty.py: Add interactive commands to knotty none - knotty.py: Add ability to dynamically toggle log location none - fetch2/git.py: fix the filename too long error none - bitbake: enable pdb tracing TA158800 - boost: add ptest support none - fontcache: fix fonts postinst failed none - binutils: enable warn system direcotories in cross-canadian ld LIN9-1896 - pax: strip off the trailing slash of file name LIN9-1889 - lttng-tools: Allow multiple attempts to connect to relayd LIN9-1849 - systemd: avoid boot failures for mips64 and mipsel LIN9-1554 - lib/oe/terminal.py: use an absolute path to execute oe-gnome-terminal-phonehome LIN9-1543 - dbus: update build options when enable ptest LIN9-1543 - dbus-test: correct paths in service and conf files LIN9-1450 - perl: remove plan9 related stuff in perl-ptest package LIN9-1318 - gcc-sanitizers: allow empty for lsan and tsan packages TA158764 - rng-tools: add systemd service file TA156911 - boost: add python to default PACKAGECONFIG options none - glibc: apply complocaledir while localedir changed none - attr: make ptest pass when selinux enabled LIN9-984 - tmpfiles.d: don't create the symbol link LIN9-1586 - rpm: make install with --nosignature and --nodigest work LIN9-1489 - watchdog: remove ControlGroup from systemd service files LIN9-1479 - webkitgtk: disable gobject-introspection on armv7a LIN9-1474 - gawk: fix command location in ptest script LIN9-1473 - gawk: fix command location in ptest script LIN9-1453 - perl: correct the path of perl used by ptest LIN9-1350 - xinetd: add Init Script Actions to xinetd script LIN9-1330 - dhcp: add dhclient.service LIN9-1319 - bitbake.conf: change localedir TA108085 - perl: fix improper use of reference in IO::Socket none - runqemu-extract-sdk: allow install debugfs on rootfs none - python-smartpm-native: prefer same arch when install none - python3-setuptools: extend to nativesdk none - linux-firmware: Package Marvell pci8897 and usb8897 firmware none - distutils: fix to avoid file-rdeps QA issue none - dhcp: make dhclient to get configuration for other programs LIN9-796 - busybox: handle syslog LIN9-55 - wget: inherit perlnative LIN9-524 - at: add libselinux to PACKAGECONFIG LIN9-421 - Revert "grub: add -Wno-error=trampolines to native CFLAGS" LIN9-220 - grub2: fix do_configure failure when largefile is not in DISTRO_FEATURES LIN8-478 - opkg-utils: Change alternatives lib path from /usr/lib/opkg to /var/lib/opkg LIN8-1832 - watchdog: enable systemd support LIN8-1655 - Use TUNE_CCARGS for target compilation LIN8-1414 - rpcbind: add the -p statement in usage and man LIN8-1413 - toolchain-scripts.bbclass: do not expand vars which starts with multilib prefixes LIN8-1400 - toolchain-script: use immediate expansion for TOOLCHAIN_CONFIGSITE_NOCACHE LIN8-1304 - cross-canadian/libgcc: fix aarch64's multilib SDK LIN8-1268 - archiver.bbclass: fix an exception of the mode configured LIN8-1156 - openssh: Restore TCP wrappers support LIN8-1048 - Use TUNE_CCARGS for target compilation LIN7-1716 - toolchain-shar-template.sh: Do not offer sudo as an option LIN7-1339 - sysstat: add configuration file in tmpfiles.d LIN7-1129 - shadow: fix pam configs for chpasswd, newusers LIN7-1127 - shadow: fix pam configs for chpasswd, newusers LIN7-1128 - tcl: clean host path in tclConfig.sh LIN7-1075 - lsof: fix LSOF_CCV in version.h none - texinfo: fix info not work none - systemd: fix runtime dependency none - systemd: enable syslog.socket by default none - sysklog: comment out configuration regarding xconsole none - scripts/postinst-intercepts: add update_info_dir none - initscripts: Avoid restarting rpcbind daemon none - eglibc: add support for /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf none - busybox: fix for syslog service in systemd none - base.bbclass: Add buildcfg multilib values none - Add the output of depmod into kernel module .tgz file LIN7-902 - sysklogd: add systemd support LIN7-427 - rpcbind: add option to make user able to use fixed port number none - package.bbclass: Add directory information to the pkgdata files none - yocto-uninative: Update to the 1.6 release none - yocto-uninative: Update to the 1.5 release none - uninative: Update to 1.7 uninative release none - python3-native: Avoid use of getentropy/getrandom none - python-numpy: Fix issues with recent glibc versions none - qemu: Backport a patch for recent glibc versions none - connman: Fix for CVE-2017-12865 none - scripts/runqemu: avoid overridden user input for bootparams none - kernel, license, sstate, rootfs.py: Remove deploy directory README none - wget: Fix handling of urls with user/password none - test-dependencies.sh: Strip also '\.bb: .*' before adding failed recipe to list of failed none - sstate-sysroot-cruft: Add /etc/ld.so.conf to whitelist none - insane.bbclass: fix override handling in RDEPENDS QA none - image: Fix "metadata is not deterministic" when chaining 2+ CONVERSION_CMDs none - image.bbclass: Correct chaining compression support none - icecc.bbclass: prevent nativesdk builds depending on target specific KERNEL_CC none - systemd: remove upstreamed patch none - systemd: refuse to load units with errors (CVE-2017-1000082) none - systemd: Disable DefaultDependencies for sysv scripts on rcS runlevel none - lsof: update SRC_URI none - libpng12: move SRC_URI back to SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR none - archiver: Escape recipe name in regex none - rng-tools: update SRC_URI to SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR none - pcre: update SRC_URI to SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR none - lsof: minor recipe cleanup none - lsof: clear setuid none - ed: update SRC_URI to OSL none - wic: fix calculation of partition number none - sgml-common: update SRC_URI from fedora to OSL none - glibc: Security fix CVE-2016-6323 none - glibc: fix pthread_cond_broadcast issue (arm) none - docbook-utils: update SRC_URI from fedora to osl none - automake: Backport perl 5.22 fix none - libxslt: Fix CVE-2017-5029 none - libxslt: Add build fix (with ld-is-gold) none - GNU_MIRROR: switch from ftp to https none - eudev: set LGPL-2.1+ for libudev package none - elfutils: fix building elfutils-native with GCC7 none - DEBIAN_MIRROR: switch from ftp to http none - bash: CVE-2016-0634 none - wic: partition: Run fsck on EXT file systems none - packagegroup-core-standalone-sdk-target: add libssp none - openssl-native: Compile with -fPIC none - gcc-6.2: backport fix of check for empty string in ubsan.c none - e2fsprogs: Fix wrong error code after optimization none - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7210 none - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7209 in readelf none - binutils: fix CVE-2017-6969 in readelf none - systemtap: update to 3.1 none - systemtap: Add patch to remove quotes none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to 4.8.24 none - codeparser.py: support deeply nested tokens none - libgcrypt: fix CVE-2017-9526 none - libgcrypt: fix CVE-2017-7526 none - siggen: Make calc_taskhash match get_taskhash for file checksums LIN9-1648 - oe/path.py: fix for "Argument list too long" none - package_ipk: Clean up Source entry in ipk packages none - sstate.bbclass: check if mirror directory is writable none - oeqa/selftest: lock down Meson git revision for reliability none - elfutils: update homepage and upstream souce none - libnewt: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with pagure.io source none - xmlto: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with pagure.io source none - libuser: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with pagure.io source none - liberation-fonts: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with pagure.io source none - cronie: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with github.com source none - chkconfig: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with github.com source none - selftest/recipetool: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with github.com source none - perf: add perf-feature for systemtap none - build-appliance-image: Update to morty head revision none - cryptodev-linux: update SRC_URI none - selftest: Avoid sstate corruption by calling cleansstate none - selftest: Disable SSTATE_MIRRORS for sstate signing test none - build-appliance-image: Update to morty head revision none - oeqa/selftest: remove test_sanity_unsafe_binary_references none - insane: remove broken unsafe-references-in-binaries test none - selftest: do not perform a full build in test_continue none - libxml2: CVE-2016-9318 none - ghostscript: CVE-2017-7207 none - ghostscript : CVE-2016-10219, CVE-2016-10220, CVE-2017-5951 none - bind: Security fix CVE-2016-8864 none - bind: Security fix CVE-2016-6170 none - xorg-font-common.inc: Remove x11 requirement for -native none - mkfontscale: Remove x11 requirement for -native none - mkfontdir: Remove x11 requirement for -native none - linux-yocto/4.4: update to v4.4.60 none - linux-yocto/4.4: update to v4.4.56 none - glibc: Fix use after free in pthread_create() none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to v4.8.18 none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to -rt10 none - linux-yocto/4.8: -stable update to v4.8.17 none - linux-yocto/4.4: update to v4.4.53 none - linux-yocto/4.4: update to v4.4.41 none - linux-yocto/4.1: update to v4.1.38 none - linux-yocto/4.1: update to v4.1.37 none - busybox: Security fix CVE-2016-6301 none - busybox: Security fix BUG9071 none - busybox: ifupdown:pass interface device name for ipv6 route command none - busybox: allow libiproute to handle table ids larger than 255 none - binutils: Fix CVE-2017-6965 and CVE-2017-6966 none - base-files: resize only serial tty's in profile none - volatile-binds: correct some errors reported by systemd none - sstate.bbclass: update .siginfo atime none - rootfs.py: Respect OPKGLIBDIR variable none - parselogs: Whitelist NUC6 firmware load error message on genericx86-64 none - package_manager.py: respect OPKGLIBDIR none - logrotate: replace fedorahosted.org SRC_URI with github.com source none - sanity.bbclass: modify check for shell none - runqemu: support multiple qemus running when nfs none - runqemu-export-rootfs: fix inconsistent var names none - python-3-manifest: fix adding imp to importlib none - image_types.bbclass: IMAGE_TYPEDEP_ now adds deps for conversion types none - image_types.bbclass: fix image dependency chain collection none - gmp: Disable assembly for MIPS R6 none - wic: plugins: rawcopy: Fixed wrong variable type none - wic: filemap: Fixed spared_copy skip none - tzcode-native: Set cc to ${CC} none - openssl: Add support for many MIPS configurations none - busybox: refresh the flock patch none - tzdata: update to 2017a none - tzcode-native: update to 2017a none - tzdata: update to 2016j none - tzcode-native: update to 2016j none - tar: CVE-2016-6321 none - bash: fix CVE-2016-9401 none - lib/bs4: Fix imports from html5lib >= 0.9999999/1.0b8 none - Revert "file: update SRCREV for 5.28 to fix fetch fail on missing commit" none - file: update SRCREV for 5.28 to fix fetch fail on missing commit none - cooker.py: run sanity checks for multiconfig none - cooker.py: new multiconfig '*' syntax support none - data_smart: Fix unneeded variable manipulation none - rpm: support customizing gpg command line none - lib/oe/gpg_sign: sign rpm packages in chunks of 100 none - lib/oe/gpg_sign: make gpg version a property of the signer none - lib/oe/gpg_sign: fix rpm signing with gpg > 2.1 none - e2fsprogs: have configure expand @mkdir_p@ none - python-3.5-manifest: Add imp to importlib none - gdb-cross-canadian: Depend on nativesdk-python3-importlib ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-12 LIN9-5768 - local.conf.sample: Fix feature typo none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-08 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-07 US104568 - u-boot: added compatible machine for nxp-ls1012 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-07 LIN9-5731 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) LIN9-5629 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) LIN9-5623 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) LIN9-5286 - glibc: fix 4 CVEs (2017-10-31) LIN9-5678 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5605 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5598 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5589 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5583 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5581 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5566 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5535 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5530 - binutils: fix a bundle of CVEs (2017-10-23) LIN9-5747 - u-boot: force to build bit64 NXP u-boot with for all the NXP arm64 boards none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-05 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-03 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-02 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-11-01 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-30 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-29 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-26 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-25 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 12 LIN9-5596 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5565 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5557 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5553 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation LIN9-5552 - wpa-supplicant/hostapd: WPA packet number reuse with replayed messages and key reinstallation none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-25 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-24 LIN9-5617 - wr-kernel-dl.xml: add hwdata none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-23 LIN9-5617 - hwdata: use github instead of slackware none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-22 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-19 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-18 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-17 LIN9-5504 - environment.d: Add notification after "--kernel" option ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-16 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-13 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-11 LIN9-5411 - grub2: fix boot failure of bootx64.efi compiled by tune with avx512 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-10-10 LIN9-5487 - data/xml/wr-base-dl.xml: Repository path names may not end in '.' due to WS LIN9-4617 - qemuarma9: fix an oeqa test failure none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-25 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-19 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-18 none - glibc: fix build conflict caused by commit 0c25d65da5a2 LIN9-5403 - glibc: Get 2 performance related patches from upstream none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-17 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-14 LIN9-5185 - setup.py: Prune repositories by default none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-14 LIN9-5199 - do_extract_kernel_output: Use KERNEL_OUTPUT_DIR instead of KERNEL_OUTPUT US99447 - wrlinux-x: xml: add wr-nxp-qoriq-networking-dl.xml for setup the repo of networking feature none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 11 LIN9-4972 - glibc: Security Advisory - glibc - CVE-2017-12132 LIN9-4793 - gcc: Security Advisory - gcc - CVE-2017-11671 LIN9-4564 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-4513 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-4506 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-12 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-07 ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-04 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-09-01 US99447 - wrlinux-x: wr-kernel-dl: xml: add NXP u-boot repo information none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-31 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-30 LIN9-5173 - xml: Add compatibility links for meta-secure-core pieces none - u-boot: add NXP u-boot for all the NXP boards none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-28 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-23 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-22 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-17 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-16 LIN9-4315 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4313 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4308 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4306 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4283 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4230 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4229 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4222 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4205 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4192 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4187 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] LIN9-4184 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities [ LIN9-4184 LIN9-4187 LIN9-4192 LIN9-4205 LIN9-4222 LIN9-4229 LIN9-4230 LIN9-4283 LIN9-4306 LIN9-4308 LIN9-4313 LIN9-4315 ] none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-16 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 10 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-14 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-13 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-11 LIN9-4904 - glibc: add ld.so locks in _libc_fork LIN9-1947 - glibc: add ld.so locks in _libc_fork LIN9-4918 - lvm2: disable thin provisioning support under GPLv3 incompatible LIN9-4918 - packagegroups: skip the GPLv3 packages LIN9-4597 - Toaster: custom image updates and original creation LIN9-4481 - Toaster: custom image updates and original creation LIN9-4707 - linux-yocto: only suggest default kernel type LIN9-4707 - linux-windriver: only suggest default kernel type LIN9-4616 - yocto-bsp: insert the path of argparse_oe.py into libpath none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-08 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-08-07 ======================= =============================== LIN9-4909 - microcode-ctl: update microcode to version 20170707 US101495 - qemux86 qemux86-64: Enable pci OVP9-10 - ovp: Add qemux86 qemux86-64 support none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-31 LIN9-1821 - environment.d/00_check_repo.sh: Repo does not work properly in a nested config none - linux-windriver: v4.8.22 ---> v4.8.24 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-31 US95960 - meta-realtime: remove content and add conversion helper text/script LIN9-3956 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3950 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3945 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3941 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3900 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-3888 - binutils: Fix vulnerabilities LIN9-4712 - wrlinux-image-initramfs: depends on grub-efi:do_populate_lic none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-26 LIN9-3809 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7227 LIN9-3735 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7225 LIN9-3721 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7224 LIN9-3710 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7223 in gas LIN9-3640 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7226 LIN9-4527 - glibc: Fix CVE-2015-5180 LIN9-3817 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7209 in readelf LIN9-3793 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-7210 LIN9-3709 - binutils: fix CVE-2017-6969 in readelf LIN9-3682 - binutils: Fix CVE-2017-6965 and CVE-2017-6966 LIN9-3639 - binutils: Fix CVE-2017-6965 and CVE-2017-6966 LIN9-4461 - glibc: fix pthread_cond_broadcast issue LIN9-4441 - glibc: fix to CVE-2017-100366 [ LIN9-4441 ] LIN9-4436 - sudo: Security Advisory - sudo - CVE-2017-1000368 LIN9-4425 - sudo: Security Advisory - sudo - CVE-2017-1000367 LIN9-3492 - glibc: Fix use after free in pthread_create() US96789 - rpm: fix compile errors when openssl disable weak encryptions support SCP9-49 - blacklist.bbclass: fix for multilib none - useradd-example: exclude from world LIN9-4153 - icu: Use LARGE_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE for cmd LIN9-3364 - rng-tools: use SOURCEFORGE_MIRROR in SRC_URI LIN9-3364 - libpng/libpng12: update SRC_URI none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-24 US95964 - meta-virtualization: Add LAYERRECOMMENDS for dl layer none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-20 LIN9-4709 - netperf: change SRC_URI to git repository LIN9-4704 - toaster: add remote HTTP API to enable status aggregation LIN9-4703 - toaster: trim build target input LIN9-4703 - toaster: set clone progress default to off LIN9-4703 - toaster: include setscene in task progress none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-19 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-18 none - Remove the cloud-services-layer from whitelist of BASE branch LIN9-4626 - The mtree is only enabled on LTS_CVE branch, so remove it from BASE branch TA185291 - libvmi: add git entry none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-12 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 9 none - Miss the terminal """ US95964 - wrlinux-whitelist.conf: create initial cloud-services-layer whitelist LIN9-4613 - intel-microcode: update microcode to the newest version none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-09 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-05 LIN9-4587 - netmap: disable multilib for all aarch64 bsp none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-04 LIN9-4587 - netmap-modules: update aarch64 to COMPATIBLE_HOST ======================= =============================== LIN9-4588 - setup.sh: fix infinite loop LIN9-4368 - samples: lazy set default kernel type none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-07-02 US95964 - wrlinux-whitelist.conf: create initial realtime whitelist none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-30 LIN9-4476 - axxiaarm.xml: add u-boot which needed by axxiaarm to local repo LIN9-4470 - wrlinux.conf: redefine INITRD_IMAGE_LIVE none - meta-oe-dl-2.2.xml: add leveldb entry none - meta-filesystems-dl-2.2.xml: add aufs-util repo entry LIN9-4351 - LIN9-4351 Toaster OperationalError: too many SQL variables LIN9-4466 - Toaster: pass wrlinux-x path via custom.xml US95960 - meta-virtualization: remove content and add conversion helper text/script LIN9-4335 - toaster: address Django-1.10 API deprecations LIN9-4460 - Toaster: add progress bar for cloning none - wrlinux-whitelist.conf: create initial virtualization-layer whitelist LIN9-4362 - Toaster access WindShare from remote directory none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-22 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-21 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-20 LIN9-4364 - Update setup to use build tools '20170614' none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-19 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-18 LIN9-4364 - use python3 RDEPENDS for pytz and beautifulsoup none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-15 none - ovp: add default ktype for ovp none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-14 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-13 LIN9-4330 - lxc: lxc-sshd: mount /etc/init.d only if it exist none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-13 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-12 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 8 LIN9-4356 - kernel-initramfs-image: change the name of the installed image LIN9-4353 - feature/initramfs-install: handle initramfs installation LIN9-4354 - kernel-initramfs-image: inherit kernelsrc LIN9-3864 - gnome-common: add PACKAGECONFIG for autoconf-archive LIN9-3848 - gnome-common: add PACKAGECONFIG for autoconf-archive none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-05 ======================= =============================== LIN9-4355 - toaster scripts: allow remote project directory LIN9-4345 - use exit instead of return LIN9-3597 - utils_setup.py: Switch from using the HTTP to HTTPSHandler by default none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-05 none - 07_toaster_update.sh: Call toaster_fixture.py on when default.xml exists TA181887 - Update setup to use build tools '20170602' TA181887 - auto-generate wrlinux-specfic Toaster fixture data file none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-05 TA181887 - Add kernel/templates to dashboard, remove OE release none - windshare.py: Adjust handling of URLError exception when trying windshare none - layer_index.py: Cleanup error handling when unable to access the index none - layer_index.py/windshare.py: Handle connection reset by peer none - windshare.py: Windshare checking is only valid for files, http and https none - windshare.py: Minor cleanup none - utils_setup.py: Cleanup error handling in fetch_url none - Revert "utils_setup.py: Add connection reset by peer retry" none - test-network.py: Add network test script LIN9-3597 - utils_setup.py: Add connection reset by peer retry none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-06-02 none - meta-efi-secure-boot-dl.xml: Fixup efitools entry TA181887 - Add beautifulsoup4 and pytz to buildtools LIN9-4331 - lvm2/libdevmapper: fix runtime error TA181885 - Backport fix for SDK artifacts TA181887 - Add anspass support to Toaster, noweb startup TA181885 - Toaster integration with LX9 setup and mirrors TA181885 - Remove obsolete Toaster fixture file TA181885 - Refactor WRDistro, fix SDK artifacts TA181885 - Backport Toaster DB location patches TA181885 - dynamic Toaster fixture generation tool none - wr-base-dl.xml: Fixup multipath-tools entry none - data/xml: Fix incorrect repo names LIN9-4167 - autoconf-archive: move the new version from intel-x86 layer LIN9-3864 - autoconf-archive: move the new version from intel-x86 layer none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-31 LIN9-3996 - meta_oe_security_flags.inc: set SECURITY_NO_PIE_CFLAGS for libdevmapper LIN9-3996 - cryptsetup: DEPENDS on libdevmapper instead of lvm2 LIN9-3996 - lvm2: separate libdevmapper to avoid circular dependency LIN9-3996 - lvm2: separte out two new packages LIN9-3996 - lvm2: make 'udev' a PACKAGECONFIG item none - lvm2: remove 2.02.138 version none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-31 LIN9-3996 - device-mapper-multipath: depend on libdevmapper instead of lvm2 LIN9-3996 - wrlinux-whitelist.conf: enable libdevmapper none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-25 LIN9-3839 - Change the source of microcode_ctl LIN9-4220 - lxc: CVE-2016-8649 [ LIN9-4220 ] LIN9-3996 - libvirt: depend on libdevmapper instead of lvm2 LIN9-3863 - WIC: don't generate live image none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-25 LIN9-3839 - microcode-ctl: use new git source none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-23 none - kernel version: v4.8.20 ---> v4.8.22 none - mtree: add recipe none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-17 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 7 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-11 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-10 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-05-09 LIN9-3846 - wrlinux.conf: customize DEFAULT_TEST_SUITES for images TA179906 - wrlinux-exclude-from-world.conf: add packages TA179906 - wrlinux-whitelist.conf: add meta-measured TA179906 - data/xml: add git repos for secure layers LIN9-4166 - gen_common_native_package_list.sh: accept eula ======================= =============================== LIN9-3597 - util_setup.py: Define the referring agent as Mozilla LIN9-3597 - logger_setup.py: Add LoggerOut class to capture sys.std* LIN9-3597 - Add additional debug logging for fetch_url none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-27 LIN9-3678 - lxc: Security Advisory - lxc - CVE-2017-5985 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-21 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-20 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-19 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-18 US94506 - Minor edits to capitalization, punct, etc. none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 6 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-16 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-14 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-04-13 US94506 - README: fix minor typo US94506 - README: fix grammar US94506 - wrlinux README draft edits ======================= =============================== LIN9-3445 - tzdata&tzcode: upgrade 2017a LIN9-3352 - local.conf.sample: Add PRSERV_HOST example none - README.md: Clarify README to current best practices LIN9-3832 - grub-efi_2.00.bbappend: Remove Work-around-the-failure-of-ExitBootServices.patch LIN9-3600 - packagegroup-core-lsb: avoid rebuilding when changing layer config none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-31 LIN9-3600 - wrltemplate.bbclass: Copy in the template contents LIN9-3358 - wrltemplate.bbclass: Copy in the template contents LIN9-3600 - tests: Allow tests to pass the Yocto Project compatibility testing LIN9-3600 - image.bbclass: Update wrlt_next_class to support relative layers LIN9-3600 - conf/layer.conf: Update layer config CGP9-133 - lsb: add check before create link LIN9-3366 - bash: memleak bug fix for builtin command read LIN9-3263 - unzip: CVE-2014-9913 CVE-2016-9844 [ LIN9-3263 LIN9-3232 ] LIN9-3232 - unzip: CVE-2014-9913 CVE-2016-9844 [ LIN9-3263 LIN9-3232 ] LIN9-3086 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9807 LIN9-3081 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9809 CGP9-175 - ptest.bbclass: use BPN in PTEST_PATH for multilib LIN9-3259 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9445/CVE-2016-9446 LIN9-3189 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9445/CVE-2016-9446 LIN9-3104 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3103 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3102 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3090 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9813 LIN9-3087 - gst-plugins-base: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9811 LIN9-3085 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9810 LIN9-3082 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3078 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9812 LIN9-3222 - libwebp: Security Advisory - libwebp - CVE-2016-9085 LIN9-2991 - ruby: Security Advisory - ruby - CVE-2016-2337 LIN9-2902 - curl: Security Advisory - curl - CVE-2016-9586 CGP9-122 - systemd: add dependency on initscripts-sushell for selinux CGP9-122 - initscripts: split sushell into sub package LIN9-3292 - ruby - CVE-2016-7798 LIN9-3277 - qemu: CVE-2016-9381 LIN9-3267 - gcc: CVE-2016-6131 in libiberty LIN9-2984 - bind: Security Advisory - bind - CVE-2016-9444 LIN9-2980 - bind: Security Advisory - bind - CVE-2016-9131 LIN9-2953 - ruby: Security Advisory - ruby - CVE-2016-2339 LIN9-3202 - bash: fix CVE-2016-9401 LIN9-3195 - bash: fix CVE-2016-7543 LIN9-3134 - dhcp: Add choice for "with ddns" and "no ddns". LIN9-2178 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2176 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2175 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2173 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2170 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2163 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2160 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2146 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-1743 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 CGP9-111 - ltp: Fix renameat202 test failed LIN9-3128 - openssl: CVE-2017-3732 LIN9-3119 - gnutls: fix libseccomp usage LIN9-3100 - libgcc-common.inc: Fix symbol link to mutilib directories LIN9-3076 - guile: Security Advisory - guile - CVE-2016-8606 LIN9-2952 - openssh: Security Advisory - openssh - CVE-2016-10010 LIN9-2911 - ltp: Fix containers/userns05 failure for 32 bit LIN9-2925 - openssh: CVE-2016-20012 LIN9-2924 - openssh: CVE-2016-10011 LIN9-2923 - openssh: CVE-2016-10009 LIN9-3013 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2997 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2982 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2974 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2970 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2968 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2964 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2621 - scripts/runqemu: "ps aux" -> "ps auxww" LIN9-2907 - gnupg: specify explicitly tar path LIN9-2875 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2871 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2859 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2858 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2854 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2832 - kexec-tools: ARM: fix align issue of add_buffer_phys_virt() for LPAE kernel LIN9-2823 - perl-native: process -fstack-protector-strong LIN9-2801 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2796 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2791 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2783 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2765 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2757 - libxfixes: Security Advisory - libxfixes - CVE-2016-7944 LIN9-2732 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2730 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2729 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2723 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2721 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2719 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2711 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2704 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2694 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2685 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2673 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 TA167452 - kexec-tools: Upgrade to 2.0.14 none - Revert "subversion: fix "svnadmin create" fail on x86" LIN9-2840 - nettle: modify configure script to get consistent build LIN9-2806 - ghostscript: fix race condition of creating directory LIN9-2625 - bootchart2-native: correct python3 path LIN9-2111 - apr: fix off_t size can't match when configure and in target glibc LIN9-2569 - extrausers.bbclass: Use PACKAGE_INSTALL instead of IMAGE_INSTALL LIN9-1701 - glibc: Fix unpacked timestamp of plural.c LIN9-1529 - guile: .x files depend on .i files LIN9-1529 - guile: modify default .scm.go rule LIN9-1202 - gpgme: add GPGME_STATUS_KEY_CONSIDERED LIN9-2502 - site/powerpc64-linux: add cvs_cv_func_printf_ptr LIN9-2447 - valgrind-ptest: add dependency on dbg package LIN9-2447 - valgrind: improvements for run-ptest LIN9-2447 - valgrind: fix the return value for ptest LIN9-2234 - image.bbclass: inherit image_types_uboot when needed none - git: upgrade to 2.11.0 LIN9-3600 - nis, opencv: Update getVar/setVar syntax LIN9-2453 - ltp: avoid segmentation fault in netns tests LIN9-2445 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_recipe for bonnie++ and libsigc++-2.0 LIN9-2377 - tzdata: Update to 2016j LIN9-2377 - tzcode-native: Update to 2016j LIN9-1981 - ltp/posix: replace CWD with PWD none - runqemu: add user mode (SLIRP) support to x86 QEMU targets LIN9-2491 - kernel.bbclass: let do_deploy depend on do_packagedata LIN9-2460 - ghostscript: resolve make circular dependency LIN9-2455 - runqemu: set default device and hostfwd for slirp LIN9-2444 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_original error for matchbox-desktop LIN9-2208 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_original error for matchbox-desktop TA163130 - ghostscript: add PACKAGECONFIG x11 LIN9-687 - gcr: add missing dependencies for vapi LIN9-2451 - kernel-devsrc: remove symlink source LIN9-2323 - runqemu: support mutiple qemus running when nfs LIN9-2323 - runqemu-export-rootfs: fix inconsistent var names LIN9-2288 - qemu: Fix pci-assign none - meta/conf/layer.conf: Add recommended download layer LIN9-912 - python3: fix library search path LIN9-2322 - webkitgtk: add packageconfig for opengl LIN9-2317 - archiver.bbclass: fix can't create diff tarball LIN9-2009 - gdk-pixbuf: fix ptest RDEPENDS for multilib build TA163130 - dbus-test: sync x11 configure options with dbus LIN9-2098 - package.bbclass: support persistent /var/log LIN9-2098 - initscripts: support persistent /var/log LIN9-2098 - base-files: respect VOLATILE_LOG_DIR LIN9-2075 - gdb-cross: depends on flex-native and bison-native [ LIN9-2075 ] none - grub/grub-efi: fix conflict LIN9-2349 - qemuboot.bbclass: use IMGDEPLOYDIR LIN9-2286 - scripts/runqemu: fix checking for .cpio.gz LIN9-2199 - icu: avoid host contamination LIN9-2098 - bitbake.conf: add VOLATILE_LOG_DIR variable LIN9-1916 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8624 LIN9-1919 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8620 LIN9-1915 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8623 LIN9-1912 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8622 LIN9-1911 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8621 LIN9-1910 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8619 LIN9-1908 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8618 LIN9-1907 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8617 LIN9-1906 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8616 LIN9-1904 - curl: fix CVE-2016-8615 LIN9-1647 - curl: fix CVE-2016-7141 LIN9-1646 - curl: fix CVE-2016-7167 none - runqemu: Split out the base name of QB_DEFAULT_KERNEL none - oeqa/sdkext/sdk_update.py: skip the test LIN9-2249 - oeqa/sdkext/devtool.py: skip test_extend_autotools_recipe_creation when no libxml2 LIN9-2246 - oe/copy_buildsystem.py: add SDK_LAYERS_EXCLUDE_PATTERN LIN9-2219 - ltp: fix an incorrect macro checking LIN9-2249 - oeqa/oetest.py: add hasLockedSig() LIN9-2248 - oe-publish-sdk: make cmd easier to read LIN9-2248 - oe-publish-sdk: add pyshtables.py to .gitignore LIN9-2247 - oeqa/sdkext/devtool.py: remove workspace/sources before running test cases LIN9-2187 - oeqa/sdkext/devtool.py: don't reset when the test is failed LIN9-2198 - libfm: disable build static library LIN9-2187 - populate_sdk_ext.bbclass: install multilib targets as populate_sdk does LIN9-2047 - iproute2: add tipc tool LIN9-1986 - rpm: fix multilib macro installation LIN9-1768 - boost-ptest: remove the host linkpath LIN9-1719 - gdk-pixbuf: Fix CVE-2016-6352 LIN9-2127 - sanity.bbclass: fix check_connectivity() for BB_NO_NETWORK = "0" LIN9-2122 - sanity.bbclass:check_connectivity(): print more error messages LIN9-2049 - populate_sdk_ext.bbclass: use weak assignment for TOOLCHAINEXT_OUTPUTNAME LIN9-1902 - gcc-sanitizers: Fix libtool .la files none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-30 LIN9-1460 - populate_sdk_base.bbclass: add handling package exclusions to do_populate_sdk LIN9-2003 - classes/cpan-base: fix for PERLVERSION none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-30 TA158800 - boost: add ptest support TA158764 - rng-tools: add systemd service file TA156911 - boost: add python to default PACKAGECONFIG options none - python3-setuptools: extend to nativesdk none - glibc: apply complocaledir while localedir changed none - fontcache: fix fonts postinst failed none - distutils: fix to avoid file-rdeps QA issue none - binutils: enable warn system direcotories in cross-canadian ld none - attr: make ptest pass when selinux enabled LIN9-984 - tmpfiles.d: don't create the symbol link LIN9-796 - busybox: handle syslog LIN9-524 - at: add libselinux to PACKAGECONFIG LIN9-421 - Revert "grub: add -Wno-error=trampolines to native CFLAGS" LIN9-220 - grub2: fix do_configure failure when largefile is not in DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2014 - packagegroup-core-sdk: Disable sanitizers for mips64el LIN9-1991 - populate_sdk_ext.bbclass: check unfsd before create it LIN9-1969 - e2fsprogs: fix hardcoded path for ptest script LIN9-1959 - tcf-agent: fix systemd service file LIN9-1949 - grub_git: set COMPATIBLE_HOST_armv7ve to null LIN9-1896 - pax: strip off the trailing slash of file name LIN9-1889 - lttng-tools: Allow multiple attempts to connect to relayd LIN9-1878 - trace-cmd: fix QA warning LIN9-1849 - systemd: avoid boot failures for mips64 and mipsel LIN9-1747 - glibc: fix CVE-2016-6323 LIN9-1648 - oe/path.py: fix for "Argument list too long" LIN9-1586 - rpm: make install with --nosignature and --nodigest work LIN9-1554 - lib/oe/terminal.py: use an absolute path to execute oe-gnome-terminal-phonehome LIN9-1543 - dbus: update build options when enable ptest LIN9-1543 - dbus-test: correct paths in service and conf files LIN9-1489 - watchdog: remove ControlGroup from systemd service files LIN9-1479 - webkitgtk: disable gobject-introspection on armv7a LIN9-1474 - gawk: fix command location in ptest script LIN9-1473 - gawk: fix command location in ptest script LIN9-1453 - perl: correct the path of perl used by ptest LIN9-1450 - perl: remove plan9 related stuff in perl-ptest package LIN9-1350 - xinetd: add Init Script Actions to xinetd script LIN9-1330 - dhcp: add dhclient.service LIN9-1319 - bitbake.conf: change localedir LIN9-1318 - gcc-sanitizers: allow empty for lsan and tsan packages none - python-smartpm-native: prefer same arch when install LIN9-55 - wget: inherit perlnative LIN8-1832 - watchdog: enable systemd support LIN8-1655 - Use TUNE_CCARGS for target compilation LIN8-1413 - toolchain-scripts.bbclass: do not expand vars which starts with multilib prefixes LIN8-1400 - toolchain-script: use immediate expansion for TOOLCHAIN_CONFIGSITE_NOCACHE LIN8-1304 - cross-canadian/libgcc: fix aarch64's multilib SDK LIN8-1268 - archiver.bbclass: fix an exception of the mode configured LIN8-1048 - Use TUNE_CCARGS for target compilation LIN8-1414 - rpcbind: add the -p statement in usage and man LIN8-1156 - openssh: Restore TCP wrappers support TA108085 - perl: fix improper use of reference in IO::Socket none - texinfo: fix info not work none - systemd: fix runtime dependency none - systemd: enable syslog.socket by default none - sysklog: comment out configuration regarding xconsole none - scripts/postinst-intercepts: add update_info_dir none - runqemu-extract-sdk: allow install debugfs on rootfs none - package.bbclass: Add directory information to the pkgdata files none - linux-firmware: Package Marvell pci8897 and usb8897 firmware none - initscripts: Avoid restarting rpcbind daemon none - eglibc: add support for /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf none - dhcp: make dhclient to get configuration for other programs none - busybox: fix for syslog service in systemd none - base.bbclass: Add buildcfg multilib values none - Add the output of depmod into kernel module .tgz file LIN8-478 - opkg-utils: Change alternatives lib path from /usr/lib/opkg to /var/lib/opkg LIN7-902 - sysklogd: add systemd support LIN7-427 - rpcbind: add option to make user able to use fixed port number LIN7-1716 - toolchain-shar-template.sh: Do not offer sudo as an option LIN7-1339 - sysstat: add configuration file in tmpfiles.d LIN7-1129 - shadow: fix pam configs for chpasswd, newusers LIN7-1128 - tcl: clean host path in tclConfig.sh LIN7-1127 - shadow: fix pam configs for chpasswd, newusers LIN7-1075 - lsof: fix LSOF_CCV in version.h US83573 - extend Toaster GUI with wrlinux content none - msg.py, knotty.py: Allow dynamic toggle of the debug log level none - knotty.py: update footer on dynamic log level change none - knotty.py: Handle rare interrupted select call none - knotty.py: Extend knotty to support "real time" log tail for tasks none - knotty.py: Add the ability to dynamically select loglevel from stdin none - knotty.py: Add interactive commands to knotty none - knotty.py: Add ability to dynamically toggle log location none - fix for python3 none - fetch2/git.py: fix the filename too long error none - bitbake: runqueue/cooker: catch hashvalidate error in RunQueueExecuteScenequeue none - bitbake: enable pdb tracing LIN9-1867 - lib/bb/cooker.py: fix for BBFILE_PATTERN = "" LIN9-1170 - bb/ui/crumbs/multilogtail.py: decode readline() none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-28 LIN9-3600 - python3-urllib3: Fix failure to parse LIN9-3600 - rpm: Move to the wr-fixes layer none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-27 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-23 none - kver: 4.8.18 --> 4.8.20 LIN9-3061 - yaffs-utils: make PV from commit date of SRCREV LIN9-3061 - mce-test: derive PV from commit date of SRCREV LIN9-3061 - mce-inject: derive PV from commit date of SRCREV LIN9-3061 - aer-inject: derive PV from commit date of SRCREV none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 5 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-20 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-19 LIN9-3364 - cherokee: update SRC_URI LIN9-3364 - lmsensors: update SRC_URI LIN9-3364 - fuse: update HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI LIN9-3364 - fetchmail: update SRC_URI LIN9-3364 - curlpp: update HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI LIN9-3364 - libdnet: update SRC_URI none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-15 LIN9-3600 - rpm: Move rpm changes from wrlinux layer none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-14 none - build-appliance-image: Update to morty head revision none - openssl: CVE: CVE-2017-3731 none - libx11: CVE-2016-7943 none - libXrandr: fix for CVE-2016-7947 and CVE-2016-7948 none - libX11: CVE-2016-7942 none - libxrender: CVE-2016-7949 none - classes: Fix alternatives and rc.d ordering none - tinfoil: clean environment when starting up cooker none - bitbake-worker: Handle cooker/worker IO deadlocking none - nspr: set correct version in pkg-config file none - attr/ea-acl: pass --disable-gettext when USE_NLS=no none - linux-dtb: strip DTB extension properly in postinst/postrm none - libxtst: 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3 none - binutils-2.27.inc: Fix alignment frags for aarch64 none - populate_sdk_ext: whitelist do_package tasks none - populate_sdk_ext: fix working with uninative sstate none - zlib: update SRC_URI to fix fetching none - build-appliance-image: Update to morty head revision none - cookerdata: Convert multiconfig to use BB_CURRENT_MC none - runqueue: Only start fakeroot workers when needed none - runqueue: Ensure setscene tasks with overlapping stamps don't parallel execute none - runqueue: Fix setscene issues with multiconfig none - siggen: Fix clean_basepath to work with multiconfig none - build/uihelper: Show better information about multiconfig tasks on UI none - runqueue: Ensure pseudo executes from the correct place (use the right datastore with multiconfig) none - libgcc-common: Don't apply symlinks for nativesdk none - bitbake.conf: Add inclusion of BB_CURRENT_MC.conf after local.conf none - uninative: Parameterise the use of STAGING_DIR none - bitbake: utils: Avoid traceback errors none - bitbake: cooker: Handle inofity queue overflows more gracefully none - bitbake: cooker: Fix world taskgraph generation issue none - selftest: wic: fix test_qemu none - valgrind: make ld-XXX.so strlen intercept optional none - utils: Always use datastore's PATH for host_gcc_version none - uninative: rebuild uninative for gcc 4.8 and 4.9 none - libxml2: Necessary changes before fixing CVE-2016-5131 none - libxml2: Fix more NULL pointer derefs none - libxml2: fix CVE-2016-4658 Disallow namespace nodes in XPointer points and ranges none - Use weak assignment for SERIAL_CONSOLES in qemu configuration files none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to -rt7 none - libtiff: Update to 4.0.7 none - lib/oe/rootfs: fix log_check warnings being printed twice with RPM packaging none - kernel-yocto: explicitly trap subcommand errors none - glibc: Enable backtrace from abort on ARM none - wic: Create a logical partition only when it is really mandatory none - libarchive: fix ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY to avoid conflict none - grub2: fix some quirks and div by zero none - cve-check: allow recipes to override the product name none - curl: set CVE_PRODUCT none - archiver: don't change directory when generating tarball none - tiff: set CVE_PRODUCT none - targetloader.py: drop test for ClassType none - linux-yocto-rt/4.4: update to -rt43 none - linux-yocto/4.x: CVE-2016-8655 none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to v4.8.12 none - kern-tools: ensure that no shared directories are used none - linux-yocto/4.8: aufs warning and ixgbe calltrace none - linux-yocto/4.4: update to v4.4.36 none - linux-yocto/4.4/4.8: Fix remaining kernel_configcheck warnings in Intel BSPs none - linux-yoct/4.1: update to v4.1.36 none - kernel.bbclass: fix kernel_do_compile for KERNEL_IMAGETYPE = "vmlinux.gz" on mips none - diffutils: do_configure: fix "Argument list too long" none - tiff: Fix several CVE issues none - recipetool: fix encoding-related errors creating python recipes none - kernel.bbclass: Use real filenames in kernel packages none - kernel.bbclass: do not copy bundled initramfs to /boot none - kernel.bbclass: Avoid wildcards for kernel images none - kernel.bbclass: allow uncompressed initramfs archives none - grub2: enforce -no-pie if supported by compiler none - tiff: set CVE NAME none - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9538 none - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9535 none - subversion: Fix issues in LDFLAGS sed manipulation none - staging: Drop unused SYSROOT_LOCK none - kernel-yocto: exit on non-zero return code none - attr: Convert SSTATEPOSTINSTFUNCS to a do_install_append none - terminal.py: Pass string instead of bytes to ExecutionError to avoid exception none - scripts/send-pull-request: Avoid multiple chain headers none - parselogs: Whitelist GPT warnings as the device is fully functional none - parselogs.py: Whitelist iwlwifi firmware load error messages none - linux-yocto-dev: update to 4.9-rcX none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to v4.8.10 none - kern-tools: fix processing for no branch meta-data none - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9540 none - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9539 none - systemd.bbclass: don't block on service restart none - slang: Disable parallel make install none - qemux86*.conf: set wic-related parameters none - perl: Fix ptest update hash of ExtUtils/Liblist/Kid.pm in customized.dat none - libxml2: Security fix CVE-2016-5131 none - pseudo: include fix for xattr corruption none - mesa: make sure GLES3 headers are installed none - insane: rewrite the expanded-d test as a QAPKGTEST none - insane: fix expanded-d test none - insane: factor out the test matrix processing none - insane: add QAPKGTEST, a package-wide equivilant to QAPATHTEST none - insane: Add aarch64 baremetal mappings to the QA arch test none - arch-arm64.inc: Include arch-armv7ve.inc none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to v4.8.6-rt5 none - linux-yocto/4.8: update from v4.8.6 -> v4.8.8 none - linux-yocto/4.8: fix cryptodev compilation error none - linux-yocto/4.4: update to v4.4.32 none - linux-yocto/4.4: update to v4.4.30 none - linux-yocto/4.1: update to v4.1.35 none - kern-tools: error checking and tree generation fixes none - wic: make sure that partition size is always an integer in internal processing none - wic: fix function comment typos none - wic: check that filesystem is specified for a rootfs partition none - linux-yocto/4.8: update to 4.8.6 none - conf: add C++ flags for uninative interoperatility none - binutils: Fix build for c293pcie PPC machine none - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-3658 none - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-3632 none - qemu: update run-ptest script none - openssl: Security fix CVE-2016-7055 none - OpenSSL: CVE-2004-2761 replace MD5 hash algorithm none - nfs-utils: fix protocol minor version fall-back none - cmake.bbclass: Set CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS none - systemtap: remove explicit msgfmt check none - systemtap: fix native linking on recent Ubuntu none - systemd-bootdisk.wks: use PARTUUID none - qemu: fix CVE-2016-7909 none - openssl: fix bashism in c_rehash shell script none - libbsd: Fix build with musl none - db: disable the ARM assembler mutex code none - weston: Add no-input-device patch to 1.11.0. none - tzdata: update to 2016i none - tzcode: update to 2016i none - qemuarm64.conf: make runqemu's graphics work none - openssh: fix CVE-2016-8858 none - libbsd 0.8.3: BBCLASSEXTEND to native and nativesdk none - cve-check.bbclass: CVE-2014-2524 / readline v5.2 none - Revert "libwnck3: remove the recipe" none - Revert "epiphany: remove unnecessary libwnck3 dependency" none - lib/oe/qa: handle binaries with segments outside the first 4kb none - toaster: settings set ALLOWED_HOSTS to * in debug mode none - bitbake-worker: print full traceback instead of message only none - data: fix exception handling in exported_vars() none - siggen: Ensure taskhash mismatches don't override existing data none - siggen: Pass basehash to worker processes and sanity check reparsing result none - build: Ensure we preserve sigbasedata files as well as sigdata ones none - toaster: buildinfohelper Handle regex paths ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-08 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-06 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-05 none - kernel: bump kernel version to 4.8.18 LIN9-3455 - lftp: update SRC_URI CGP9-133 - lsb: add check before create link LIN9-3454 - hwdata: update SRC_URI [ LIN9-3454 ] LIN9-3454 - ttf-liberation-sans-narrow: update SRC_URI none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-03-02 CGP9-130 - netkit-rsh: correct the file attribute CGP9-129 - meta-security-dl.xml: Fix entry for the name field CGP9-129 - meta-security-dl.xml: add git repo for libseccomp none - bin/dump_dependencies.py: Add a simply way to dump layer depends LIN9-3373 - image-fs_finalize: add the explanation for WRL_FS_FINAL_PATH none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-28 none - iscsitarget: update patch to contain changes required to build with only linux v4.8 and above none - iscsitarget: use upstream to build with linux kernel >= 4.3 none - iscsitarget: fix inconsistent crash while login to iscsi target from initiator none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS CGP9-109 - dnsmasq: disable the service by default CGP9-109 - dnsmasq: add info for port setting none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-27 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 4 CGP9-141 - wrtemplate.bbclass: change sdk_ext processing none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-23 none - keybinder: fix do_fetch failure CGP9-175 - ptest.bbclass: use BPN in PTEST_PATH for multilib none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-22 CGP9-167 - kernel hardening: fix a couple of typo in the guide document none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3308 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpMyAdmin - CVE-2016-6621 LIN9-2800 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6633 LIN9-2793 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6627 LIN9-2792 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6607 LIN9-2784 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6606/CVE-2016-6629 LIN9-2777 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6623 LIN9-2776 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6626 LIN9-2770 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6631 LIN9-2761 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6611 LIN9-2759 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6606/CVE-2016-6629 LIN9-2756 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9863 LIN9-2752 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9861 LIN9-2731 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9866 LIN9-2714 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9862 LIN9-2707 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6609 LIN9-2699 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6628 LIN9-2697 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9865 LIN9-2693 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6624 LIN9-2691 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9864 LIN9-2679 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6608 LIN9-2676 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6630 LIN9-3171 - imagemagick: Security Advisory - imagemagick - CVE-2016-7906 LIN9-2799 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6622 LIN9-2789 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6618 LIN9-2782 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9851 LIN9-2778 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9847 LIN9-2773 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9852/CVE-2016-9853/CVE-2016-9854/CVE-2016-9855 LIN9-2771 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6619 LIN9-2768 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6625/CVE-2016-9848 LIN9-2767 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9856 LIN9-2767 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9849 LIN9-2764 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6620 LIN9-2762 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6612 LIN9-2753 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6616 LIN9-2751 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6613 LIN9-2746 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9858/CVE-2016-9859/CVE-2016-9860 LIN9-2745 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6615 LIN9-2741 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9858/CVE-2016-9859/CVE-2016-9860 LIN9-2738 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9856 LIN9-2726 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9856 LIN9-2720 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6610 LIN9-2718 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9850 LIN9-2717 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9852/CVE-2016-9853/CVE-2016-9854/CVE-2016-9855 LIN9-2703 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9852/CVE-2016-9853/CVE-2016-9854/CVE-2016-9855 LIN9-2698 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6632 LIN9-2696 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6614 LIN9-2683 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9858/CVE-2016-9859/CVE-2016-9860 LIN9-2671 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-9852/CVE-2016-9853/CVE-2016-9854/CVE-2016-9855 LIN9-2666 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6625/CVE-2016-9848 LIN9-2664 - phpmyadmin: Security Advisory - phpmyadmin - CVE-2016-6617 LIN9-3223 - imagemagick: Security Advisory - imagemagick - CVE-2016-9298 LIN9-3210 - tcpreplay: Security Advisory - tcpreplay - CVE-2016-6160 LIN9-3196 - imagemagick: Security Advisory - imagemagick - CVE-2016-7799 LIN9-2867 - imagemagick: Security Advisory - imagemagick - CVE-2016-8707 LIN9-3366 - bash: memleak bug fix for builtin command read none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-21 LIN9-3263 - unzip: CVE-2014-9913 CVE-2016-9844 [ LIN9-3263 LIN9-3232 ] LIN9-3232 - unzip: CVE-2014-9913 CVE-2016-9844 [ LIN9-3263 LIN9-3232 ] none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS CGP9-128 - syslog-ng: grab the version from VERSION file for configure.ac CGP9-127 - syslog-ng: fix syntax error in syslog-ng.conf none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3259 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9445/CVE-2016-9446 LIN9-3189 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9445/CVE-2016-9446 LIN9-3086 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9807 LIN9-3081 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9809 LIN9-3104 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3103 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3102 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3090 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9813 LIN9-3087 - gst-plugins-base: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9811 LIN9-3085 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9810 LIN9-3082 - gst-plugins-good: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9808/CVE-2016-9634/CVE-2016-9635/CVE-2016-9636 LIN9-3078 - gst-plugins-bad: Security Advisory - gstreamer - CVE-2016-9812 LIN9-3361 - php: move the CVE patches to php_5.6.26.bb LIN9-3340 - wr-kernel/turbostat: fix compile error after kernel turbostat updated CGP9-122 - systemd: no need to inherit enable-selinux CGP9-122 - systemd: add dependency on initscripts-sushell for selinux CGP9-122 - initscripts: split sushell into sub package none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-20 LIN9-2902 - curl: Security Advisory - curl - CVE-2016-9586 none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3319 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3314 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3283 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3271 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3258 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3218 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3194 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3193 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3191 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3190 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-2144 - mariadb: Upgrade to 5.5.54 LIN9-3312 - gd: s/gdImageWebpCtx/_gdImageWebpCtx/ none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3312 - gd: refresh the patch none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3312 - gd: Security Advisory - libgd - CVE-2016-6912 LIN9-3310 - gd: Security Advisory - libgd - CVE-2016-9317 LIN9-3167 - gd: Security Advisory - libgd - CVE-2016-6911 LIN9-2996 - memcached: Security Advisory - memcached - CVE-2016-8704/CVE-2016-8705/CVE-2016-8706 LIN9-2986 - memcached: Security Advisory - memcached - CVE-2016-8704/CVE-2016-8705/CVE-2016-8706 LIN9-2976 - memcached: Security Advisory - memcached - CVE-2016-8704/CVE-2016-8705/CVE-2016-8706 LIN9-2967 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-9933 LIN9-2959 - gd: Security Advisory - libgd - CVE-2016-8670 LIN9-2991 - ruby: Security Advisory - ruby - CVE-2016-2337 none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3011 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-9934 LIN9-3242 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-10159 LIN9-3228 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-10161 LIN9-3179 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-10158 LIN9-3170 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-10160 LIN9-3080 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-7479 LIN9-3009 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-9137/CVE-2016-9138 LIN9-3006 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-9935 LIN9-2999 - php: Security Advisory - php - CVE-2016-9137/CVE-2016-9138 LIN9-3222 - libwebp: Security Advisory - libwebp - CVE-2016-9085 none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3215 - quagga: Security Advisory - quagga - CVE-2017-5495 LIN9-2984 - bind: Security Advisory - bind - CVE-2016-9444 LIN9-2980 - bind: Security Advisory - bind - CVE-2016-9131 LIN9-2953 - ruby: Security Advisory - ruby - CVE-2016-2339 none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3349 - tcpdump: move the patch into do_git_apply() none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-16 none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS LIN9-3288 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5205 LIN9-3287 - tcpdump: the second patch of CVE-2017-5485 LIN9-3287 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5485 LIN9-3201 - tcpdump: the second patch of CVE-2017-5486 LIN9-3201 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5486 LIN9-3303 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7928 LIN9-3299 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5203 LIN9-3296 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7940 LIN9-3294 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5482 LIN9-3291 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5202 LIN9-3289 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5483 LIN9-3280 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5204 LIN9-3268 - tcpdump: the second patch for CVE-2016-7973 LIN9-3262 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7923 LIN9-3261 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7983/CVE-2016-7984 LIN9-3260 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7934/CVE-2016-7935/CVE-2016-7937 LIN9-3257 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7934/CVE-2016-7935/CVE-2016-7937 LIN9-3250 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7983/CVE-2016-7984 LIN9-3247 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5342 LIN9-3237 - tcpdump: the second patch for CVE-2016-7922 LIN9-3231 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7929 LIN9-3209 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5484 LIN9-3203 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2017-5341 LIN9-3200 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7936 LIN9-3184 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7931 LIN9-3176 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7934/CVE-2016-7935/CVE-2016-7937 LIN9-3173 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7993 LIN9-3172 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7930 LIN9-3169 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7938 LIN9-3168 - tcpdump: the third patch of CVE-2016-7975 LIN9-3162 - tcpdump: the third patch of CVE-2016-7974 LIN9-3313 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7925 LIN9-3300 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7992 LIN9-3268 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7973 LIN9-3237 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7922 LIN9-3227 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7933 LIN9-3225 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7927 LIN9-3216 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7926 LIN9-3185 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7924 LIN9-3168 - tcpdump: the second patch for CVE-2016-7975 LIN9-3168 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7975 LIN9-3162 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7974 LIN9-3162 - tcpdump: second patch for CVE-2016-7974 LIN9-3158 - tcpdump: Security Advisory - tcpdump - CVE-2016-7939 none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS CGP9-94 - crash: fix timer and irq command options for kernel 4.8 LIN9-3150 - wr-kernel: remove qemu-linaro related stuff none - kernel-hardening: create template and guide document LIN9-3292 - ruby - CVE-2016-7798 LIN9-3267 - gcc: CVE-2016-6131 in libiberty none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS CGP9-49 - openconnect: make trousers check optional CGP9-93 - python-networkx: add package none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS CGP9-117 - python-mock: add RDEPENDS on python-pbr and python-funcsigs CGP9-117 - python-funcsigs: add new recipe CGP9-117 - wrlinux-whitelist: add python-funcsigs none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS none - Merge branch 'WRLINUX_9_BASE' into WRLINUX_9_LTS none - Merge branch 'wr-9.0-20161130' into WRLINUX_9_LTS none - c-ares/CVE-2016-5180.patch: drop it none - merge from wr-9.0-20161130 LIN9-2336 - ntp: advance to version 4.2.8p9 LIN9-2332 - ntp: advance to version 4.2.8p9 none - dnsmasq: allow for dnsmasq instances to reuse default dnsmasq.conf none - dnsmasq: read the conf files found in dnsmasq.d LIN9-2342 - samba: fix the hardcoded path in init script LIN9-2021 - */conf/layers.conf: add dl layer LAYERRECOMMENDS none - Revert "add dl layer LAYERRECOMMENDS" LIN9-2199 - postfix: add dependency icu LIN9-2299 - xfwm4: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfdesktop: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-settings: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-session: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-power-manager: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-panel: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-appfinder: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - thunar-volman: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - thunar: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libxfce4ui: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gtk-xfce-engine: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - garcon: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - exo: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce-app.bbclass: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce-panel-plugin.bbclass: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - thunar-plugin.bbclass: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - packagegroup-xfce-base: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libxklavier: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libwnck: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gtksourceview2: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gnome-disk-utility: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - evince: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - dconf: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libunique: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - pavucontrol: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gtkmm: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES none - openjpeg: rename the download file LIN9-707 - quagga: fix CVE-2016-4049 LIN9-2225 - opencv: checking existence of /usr/lib LIN9-2217 - opencv: remove DEFAULT_PREFERENCE = "-1" for 3.1 LIN9-2047 - iproute2: add bbappend for supporting tipc tool LIN9-2047 - tipcutils: add runtime dependency for iproute2-tipc TA164086 - mcelog: Add Kabylake client support LIN9-2215 - rsnapshot: fix host path in rsnapshot.conf.default LIN9-2216 - openobex: disable building documentation LIN9-2204 - curlpp: fix qa issue of do_configure TA160771 - lvm2: 2.02.138 -> 2.02.166 TA160765 - gnuplot: upgrade to 5.0.5 LIN9-2190 - samba: correct sub-package name for multilib LIN9-1923 - apache2: include .load files in modules.d TA158774 - opencv: fix QA issue TA158774 - libeigen: set tarball name as ${BP}.tar.bz2 TA163497 - openobex: upgrade to 1.7.2 LIN9-2023 - ifenslave: make option '-h' work LIN9-2021 - add dl layer LAYERRECOMMENDS LIN9-1946 - samba: Fix qa issue and update ctdb-tests LIN9-1936 - edac-utils: fix systemd service LIN9-1493 - python-pyserial: remove serialjava.py LIN9-1878 - augeas: fix QA warning LIN9-1877 - opensaf: fix QA Issue for opensaf LIN9-1940 - chrony: remove unrecognized option ipv6 none - ttf-abyssinica: update SRC_URI LIN9-1930 - python-m2crypto: inherit siteinfo LIN9-1931 - squid: disable gnu atomic operations for mipsel LIN9-1880 - zeroconf: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - vblade: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - tunctl: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - tsocks: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - nuttcp: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - aoetools: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1784 - c-ares: fix CVE-2016-5180 LIN9-960 - iscsi-initiator-utils: fix postinstall and systemd service file LIN9-1745 - iperf3: fix CVE-2016-4303 TA158761 - iscsitarget: add systemd service file TA153441 - drbd-utils: 8.9.3 -> 8.9.6 none - libxklavier: upgrade 5.4 LIN9-1871 - lftp: fix PACKAGECONFIG[readline] LIN9-1652 - netmap: Rename the _count to _recount for kernel v4.8 TA160768 - sdparm: 1.09 -> 1.10 TA158766 - webmin: add systemd service file TA158765 - tftp-hpa: add systemd unit files none - Revert "xfsprogs, xfsdump, dmapi: blacklist, needs upgrade to stay compatible with default kernel" LIN9-1754 - gd: Security Advisory CVE-2016-7568 LIN9-1688 - linux-atm: fix do_compile error LIN9-1576 - lmsensors: read cpu information fail on ppc TA119251 - gperftools: fixup HOMEPAGE none - xfsprogs: 3.2.3 -> 4.7.0 none - xfsdump: 3.1.4 -> 3.1.6 none - netmap-modules: remove it from blacklist LIN9-1239 - apache2: cve-2016-5387 TA153444 - cfengine: fix segfault in rlist_test none - python-pip: extend to nativesdk none - python3-pip: add recipe none - python3-django: add recipe LIN9-1149 - lmbench: Fix compilation error of gcc format-security LIN9-538 - openconnect: fix do_compile failure LIN8-1783 - iscsitarget: skip the arch test for kernel modules none - ypbind-mt: get parameters from dhcp none - rrdtool: set NSANE_SKIP for rrdtool-python none - phoronix-test-suite: no php-cli in wrlinux none - ntp: reorder the elements in PACKAGES none - ntp: get parameters from dhcp none - monkey: set CLEANBROKEN none - ltrace: limit to x86 x86_64 and ppc arch only none - libhugetlbfs: remove protocol=http from SRC_URI none - gd: disable jpeg_read test none - curlpp: use libcurlpp as curlpp's provider none - cim-schema: remove do_unpack LIN8-1641 - postfix: permission of /var/spool/mail seems incorrect LIN8-1628 - netmap-modules: skip the arch check for kernel module LIN8-1134 - gst-plugins-good: fix depends to libgudev ======================= =============================== none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-15 LIN9-3277 - qemu: CVE-2016-9381 CGP9-106 - libldb: update package split rules CGP9-106 - inetutils: update files for -dbg packages CGP9-134 - packagegroup-busybox-replacement.bb: remove sysklogd LIN9-3154 - initramfs: enable the documentation be more helpful CGP9-34 - vdso-test: fix QA warning for NO_GNU_HASH CGP9-111 - ltp: Fix renameat202 test failed LIN9-2178 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2176 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2175 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2173 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2170 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2163 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2160 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-2146 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 LIN9-1743 - qemu: CVE-2016-7907, 8576, 8577, 8578, 8667, 8668, 8669, 8909, 8910 CGP9-108 - wrlinux.conf: enable ldconfig by default LIN9-3202 - bash: fix CVE-2016-9401 LIN9-3195 - bash: fix CVE-2016-7543 none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-09 LIN9-3154 - initramfs: update the initramfs documentation LIN9-2493 - crda: check the word size of target instead of host machine. TA171134 - makedumpfile: update the latest kernel version LIN9-3134 - dhcp: Add choice for "with ddns" and "no ddns". none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-02-08 LIN9-3119 - gnutls: fix libseccomp usage LIN9-2911 - ltp: Fix containers/userns05 failure for 32 bit LIN9-2952 - openssh: Security Advisory - openssh - CVE-2016-10010 LIN9-3089 - python-urllib3: Security Advisory - python-urllib3 - CVE-2016-9015 LIN9-3083 - libtiff: Security Advisory - libtiff - CVE-2017-5225 LIN9-3076 - guile: Security Advisory - guile - CVE-2016-8606 LIN9-3128 - openssl: CVE-2017-3732 LIN9-3127 - openssl: CVE-2017-3731 LIN9-3139 - jansson: whitelist LIN9-3100 - libgcc-common.inc: Fix symbol link to mutilib directories LIN9-3121 - wrlinux.conf: do not override DEBUG_FLAGS US92415 - qemux86*.conf: set wic-related parameters none - srcrev.inc: wr-kernel srcrev update 2017-01-25 none - openvswitch: uprev to 2.6.1 LIN9-3109 - python-six: limit RDEPENDS to target only [ LIN9-3109 ] none - WR-Kernel SRCREV update LIN9-3048 - mmap.c: Workaround for grub_mmap_iterate() none - WR-Kernel SRCREV update none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 3 none - linux-windriver: bump kernel version to 4.8.17 LIN9-2925 - openssh: CVE-2016-20012 LIN9-2924 - openssh: CVE-2016-10011 LIN9-2923 - openssh: CVE-2016-10009 CGP9-23 - libatasmart: unify the complier and CFLAGS for host build CGP9-6 - iscsitarget: Fix call trace of ahash API calling LIN9-2621 - scripts/runqemu: "ps aux" -> "ps auxww" LIN9-3013 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2997 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2982 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2974 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2970 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2968 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2964 - qemu: CVE-2016-9776, 9845, 9846, 9913, 9914, 9915, 9916 LIN9-2504 - util-linux: disable schedutils for native LIN9-1953 - rsyslog: use atomic builtins to avoid race issue none - README: start qemu with installed target to boot from vdisk LIN9-3044 - conf/distro/wrlinux-installer.conf: disable WIC explicitly LIN9-3047 - tigervnc: apply the matched patch with xserver-xorg version LIN9-2907 - gnupg: specify explicitly tar path LIN9-2823 - perl-native: process -fstack-protector-strong LIN9-1050 - Common native package list update ======================= =============================== none - recipes-kernel/linux/srcrev.inc: Sync to kernel-4.8.x and kernel-cache LIN9-3015 - Merge branch 'WRLINUX_9_BASE_RCPL0001' into WRLINUX_9_BASE LIN9-3015 - scripts/gen-linux-srcrev.sh: Script to generate the srcrev [ LIN9-3015 ] for linux-windriver LIN9-3015 - linux-windriver: add empty srcrev.inc LIN9-3015 - linux-windriver: change "=" to "?=" for SRCREV variables LIN9-2945 - setup.sh: Add ability to disable anspass [ LIN9-2945 ] none - Bump version for 2.2.1 morty release none - meta-yocto-bsp: bump to the latest stable linux kernel for the non-x86 BSPs none - meta-yocto-bsp: bump to the latest linux stable kernel for the non-x86 BSPs none - linux-yocto: Update genericx86* SRCREVs for linux-yocto 4.8 none - linux-yocto: Update genericx86* SRCREVs for linux-yocto 4.4 none - linux-yocto: Update genericx86* SRCREVs for linux-yocto 4.1 none - edgerouter.py: avoid python3 exception LIN9-2875 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2871 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2859 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2858 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2854 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2801 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2796 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2791 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2783 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2765 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2732 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2730 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2729 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2723 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2721 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2719 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2711 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2704 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2694 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2685 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2673 - qemu: CVE-2016-6836,7155,7156,7157,7170,7421,7422,7466,7994,7995,9101,9102,9103,9104,9105,9106,9907,9908,9912,9911,9921 LIN9-2892 - intel-microcode: update microcode to the newest version TA168985 - makedumpfile: update to 1.6.1 none - kdump: drop makedumpfile for aarch64 LIN9-2832 - kexec-tools: ARM: fix align issue of add_buffer_phys_virt() for LPAE kernel LIN9-2757 - libxfixes: Security Advisory - libxfixes - CVE-2016-7944 none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 2 LIN9-2836 - wrlinux-image.bbclass: Add missing FEATURE_PACKAGES_wr-core-dhcp CGP9-24 - mozjs: customize HOST_CFLAGS LIN9-2840 - nettle: modify configure script to get consistent build LIN9-2895 - python-vcversioner: empty the RDEPENDS for native LIN9-2850 - python-pygobject: empty the RDEPENDS for native LIN9-2356 - net-snmp: snmplib, UDPIPv6 transport: Add a missing return statement LIN9-2356 - net-snmp: fix snmptrap to use clientaddr from snmp.conf. LIN9-2603 - scsidev: remove package TA167452 - kexec-tools: Upgrade to 2.0.14 none - cgl: Add ktype and kbranch for qemux86 qemux86-64 LIN9-2806 - ghostscript: fix race condition of creating directory LIN9-1050 - Common native package list update none - Revert "wrlinux-exclude-from-world.conf: add libdbi and related pkgs" LIN9-2604 - pimd: update SRC_URI LIN9-2604 - openl2tp: update SRC_URI LIN9-2604 - ctdb: update SRC_URI LIN9-2604 - apache2: update SRC_URI LIN9-2823 - wrlinux-exclude-from-world.conf: add libdbi and related pkgs LIN9-2452 - qemux86.inc: remove "-usbdevice wacom-tablet" LIN9-2452 - qemux86-64.inc: remove "-usbdevice wacom-tablet" US87556 - gen_common_native_package_list.sh: disable network none - wr-kernel: uprev kernel version to 4.8.12 LIN9-2625 - bootchart2-native: correct python3 path none - Revert "subversion: fix "svnadmin create" fail on x86" LIN9-2111 - apr: fix off_t size can't match when configure and in target glibc LIN9-1202 - python-pygpgme: ignore STATUS_KEY_CONSIDERED when editing LIN9-1202 - gpgme: add GPGME_STATUS_KEY_CONSIDERED LIN9-2808 - lemon-layer: add source repo for lemon-server LIN9-1529 - guile: .x files depend on .i files LIN9-1529 - guile: modify default .scm.go rule LIN9-2802 - feature/lsbtesting: add x11 and opengl in DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2569 - extrausers.bbclass: Use PACKAGE_INSTALL instead of IMAGE_INSTALL LIN9-2097 - valgrind: make ld-XXX.so strlen intercept optional LIN9-2643 - setup_anspass: Fix transition when username includes a '@' none - anspass_git.bb: Upgrade to the latest version none - ufw: add template for ufw ======================= =============================== LIN9-3015 - recipes-kernel/linux/srcrev.inc: Sync to kernel-4.8.x and kernel-cache LIN9-3015 - Merge branch 'WRLINUX_9_BASE_RCPL0000' into WRLINUX_9_BASE_RCPL0001 LIN9-2639 - wrlinux-exclude-from-world.conf: add lmbench LIN9-2624 - windshare.py: typo when processing on-disk entitlements LIN9-2615 - 04_wrl_buildtools.sh: uname -p is not portable, use uname -m none - Revert "Disable anspass, there is a bug on long paths" none - Move to latest buildtools-standalone 20161208 none - README.md: Add information on the Knowledge Library none - README.md: Fix markdown for github LIN9-1459 - glibc: Enable backtrace from abort on ARM LIN9-1701 - glibc: Fix unpacked timestamp of plural.c LIN9-2526 - logwarn: Update SRC_URI LIN9-2587 - Disable anspass, there is a bug on long paths LIN9-2074 - wrlinux-image-initramfs.bb: IMAGE_INSTALL -> PACKAGE_INSTALL LIN9-2580 - wrlinux-image-initramfs: set IMAGE_FSTYPES before inheritance TA166389 - libarchive: fix ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY to avoid conflict LIN9-2502 - site/powerpc64-linux: add cvs_cv_func_printf_ptr LIN9-2447 - valgrind-ptest: add dependency on dbg package LIN9-2447 - valgrind: improvements for run-ptest LIN9-2447 - valgrind: fix the return value for ptest LIN9-2538 - local.conf.sample: add default image type as tar.bz2 LIN9-2465 - README.sample/conf-notes.sample: display fixed qemu for runqemu comments LIN9-2570 - setup_anspass: Only configure a user if anspass will be started LIN9-2508 - setup_utils: Filter on another error message TA166389 - tftp-hpa: fix ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY to avoid conflict TA166389 - netcat-openbsd: fix ALTERNATIVE_PRIORITY to avoid conflict TA166389 - inetutils: fix alternative priority to avoid conflict LIN9-2330 - base-passwd: remove default passwd for root LIN9-2074 - wrlinux-image-minimal-initramfs: require core-image-minimal-initramfs.bb LIN9-2525 - anspass: fix -lgcrypt not workable LIN9-2405 - tiff: Fix several CVE issues LIN9-2404 - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9538 LIN9-2401 - tiff: Fix several CVE issues LIN9-2400 - tiff: Fix several CVE issues LIN9-2394 - tiff: Fix several CVE issues LIN9-2393 - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9535 LIN9-2354 - feature/criu/image.inc: respect COMPATIBLE_HOST when install LIN9-2535 - diffutils: do_configure: fix "Argument list too long" LIN9-2234 - image.bbclass: inherit image_types_uboot when needed none - Revert "wr-self-hosted: create a new packagegroup" none - EULA: Add EULA acceptance arguments for compatibility none - local.conf.sample: Permit network downloads none - Refactor the username/password setup, including askpass/anspass LIN9-2118 - check_updates.sh: Tell users when to resync their build dirs none - data/environment.d: Update the environment.d scripts to match recent change none - setup.sh: Move function processing into bash arrays LIN9-2459 - wr-kernel/intel-pcm: fix No GUN_HASH in the elf binary QA warning LIN9-2361 - wr-self-hosted: create a new packagegroup LIN9-2514 - setup_askpass: Fix an issue where the socket path can get too long none - windshare.py: Adjust windshare check to identify on-disk path LIN9-2436 - wrlinux-image-initramfs: inherit wrlinux-image none - anspass_git.bb: Upgrade to the latest version none - 04_wrl_buildtools.sh: Upgrade to 20161204 version none - anspass_git.bb: Update to latest version none - setup.sh: Rework argument processing to match the python processing none - setup: Add --user and --password processing none - 04_wrl_buildtools.sh: Sync to the new argparsing none - setup.sh: Move shutdown to a function none - utils_setup.py: Fix loop if authentication fails none - setup_utils: Add a new common function to check if a path/url is a git repo none - setup_askpass: Fix set to be more secure none - setup_anspass: If anspassd failed to start, detect it none - setup_anspass: Fix problem when passwords used certain characters none - 06_wrl_repo.sh: Instead of scanning each time for the GIT_REPO url, cache it none - environment.d/*: Update scripts to use return codes none - anspass: Avoid loading anspass unless we've enabled the buildtools LIN9-1820 - 04_wrl_buildtools.sh: Handle the case where we have a half-install buildtools none - setup.sh: Process function return codes LIN9-1981 - ltp/posix: skip the test pthread_barrier_destroy_2-1 LIN9-2453 - ltp: avoid segmentation fault in netns tests LIN9-1981 - ltp/posix: replace CWD with PWD none - Maintainers: remove mthebeau and trigger layer mirroring none - setup.sh: Be sure to preserve the return code from the setup.py LIN9-2381 - nc6: is not maintained, remove it, use netcat-openbsd none - Revert "wr-kernel/intel-pcm: fix No GUN_HASH in the elf binary QA warning" none - setup_askpass: Add copyright and license statement none - wr-base-dl.xml: remove the entry for git none - setup.sh: Check we're running bash none - 05_wrl_anspass.sh: Fix shutdown of anspassd none - 04_wrl_buildtools.sh: update to buildtools 20161202 LIN9-2459 - wr-kernel/intel-pcm: fix No GUN_HASH in the elf binary QA warning none - git: upgrade to 2.11.0 none - wr-base: remove git recipe none - anspass_git.bb: Update to latest upstream git version LIN9-2445 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_recipe for bonnie++ and libsigc++-2.0 LIN9-2377 - tzcode-native: Update to 2016j LIN9-2377 - tzdata: Update to 2016j LIN9-2444 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_original error for matchbox-desktop LIN9-2208 - archiver.bbclass: fix do_ar_original error for matchbox-desktop LIN9-2498 - lftp: do_configure: fix "Argument list too long" LIN9-2497 - inetutils: do_configure: fix "Argument list too long" none - wr-kernel/doc: Correct README for WR9 LIN9-2491 - kernel.bbclass: let do_deploy depend on do_packagedata none - dynamic probes with ftrace: update usecase doc for WR9 none - qemuppc: correct the README for WR9 none - README: correct ktype and linux version for WR9 LIN9-2369 - mozjs: exclude mips64 from COMPATIBLE_HOST LIN9-2369 - set COMPATIBLE_HOST for packages depend on mozjs indirectly none - wrlinux-exclude-from-world.conf: remove mozjs LIN9-2399 - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9540 LIN9-2396 - tiff: Security fix CVE-2016-9539 LIN9-2460 - ghostscript: resolve make circular dependency none - runqemu: add user mode (SLIRP) support to x86 QEMU targets LIN9-2455 - runqemu: set default device and hostfwd for slirp LIN9-2380 - intel-pcm: update SRC URL LIN9-2480 - wr-kernel/doc: remove obsolete documents LIN9-2477 - wr-kernel/doc: remove obsolete documents LIN9-2476 - wr-kernel/doc: remove obsolete documents LIN9-2336 - ntp: advance to version 4.2.8p9 LIN9-2332 - ntp: advance to version 4.2.8p9 none - dnsmasq: allow for dnsmasq instances to reuse default dnsmasq.conf none - dnsmasq: read the conf files found in dnsmasq.d LIN9-2467 - conf/wrlinux-blacklist.conf: blacklist iscsitarget, call trace when execute iscsitarget testing LIN9-2451 - kernel-devsrc: remove symlink source LIN9-2456 - feature/qemu-sdl: remove ASSUME_PROVIDED libsdl-native LIN9-2318 - wrlinux-tiny.conf: set QB_DEFAULT_FSTYPE none - wrlinux.conf: Move to RCPL 1 none - template/libhugetlbfs: use full scc file name LIN9-2138 - libvirt: prevent dnsmasq from listening on all interfaces LIN9-2138 - lxc: package networking systemd service with the networking package LIN9-2138 - lxc: add netfilter kernel option which are required by lxc LIN9-2138 - lxc: updates to allow the creation of lxcbr0 with systemd none - systemd.bbclass: don't block on service restart LIN9-2342 - samba: fix the hardcoded path in init script LIN9-2021 - */conf/layers.conf: add dl layer to LAYERRECOMMENDS LIN9-2299 - xfwm4: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfdesktop: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-settings: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-session: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-power-manager: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2199 - postfix: add dependency icu LIN9-2299 - xfce4-panel: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-appfinder: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - thunar-volman: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - thunar: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libxfce4ui: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce-panel-plugin.bbclass: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce-app.bbclass: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - thunar-plugin.bbclass: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gtk-xfce-engine: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - garcon: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - exo: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - packagegroup-xfce-base: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libxklavier: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libwnck: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gtksourceview2: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - pavucontrol: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - libunique: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gtkmm: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - gnome-disk-utility: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - evince: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES LIN9-2299 - dconf: add x11 to REQUIRED_DISTRO_FEATURES none - openjpeg: rename the download file LIN9-707 - quagga: fix CVE-2016-4049 LIN9-2225 - opencv: checking existence of /usr/lib LIN9-2217 - opencv: remove DEFAULT_PREFERENCE = "-1" for 3.1 LIN9-2047 - tipcutils: add runtime dependency for iproute2-tipc LIN9-2047 - iproute2: add bbappend for supporting tipc tool TA164086 - mcelog: Add Kabylake client support TA160771 - lvm2: 2.02.138 -> 2.02.166 LIN9-2216 - openobex: disable building documentation LIN9-2215 - rsnapshot: fix host path in rsnapshot.conf.default LIN9-2204 - curlpp: fix qa issue of do_configure TA163497 - openobex: upgrade to 1.7.2 TA160765 - gnuplot: upgrade to 5.0.5 TA158774 - opencv: fix QA issue TA158774 - libeigen: set tarball name as ${BP}.tar.bz2 LIN9-2190 - samba: correct sub-package name for multilib LIN9-1923 - apache2: include .load files in modules.d LIN9-2023 - ifenslave: make option '-h' work LIN9-1946 - samba: Fix qa issue and update ctdb-tests LIN9-1940 - chrony: remove unrecognized option ipv6 LIN9-1936 - edac-utils: fix systemd service LIN9-1878 - augeas: fix QA warning LIN9-1877 - opensaf: fix QA Issue for opensaf LIN9-1493 - python-pyserial: remove serialjava.py none - ttf-abyssinica: update SRC_URI LIN9-1931 - squid: disable gnu atomic operations for mipsel LIN9-1930 - python-m2crypto: inherit siteinfo LIN9-1880 - zeroconf: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - vblade: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - tunctl: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - tsocks: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - nuttcp: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH LIN9-1880 - aoetools: fix QA warning for GNU_HASH TA160768 - sdparm: 1.09 -> 1.10 TA158761 - iscsitarget: add systemd service file TA153441 - drbd-utils: 8.9.3 -> 8.9.6 none - libxklavier: upgrade 5.4 LIN9-960 - iscsi-initiator-utils: fix postinstall and systemd service file LIN9-1871 - lftp: fix PACKAGECONFIG[readline] LIN9-1754 - gd: Security Advisory CVE-2016-7568 LIN9-1745 - iperf3: fix CVE-2016-4303 LIN9-1652 - netmap: Rename the _count to _recount for kernel v4.8 TA158766 - webmin: add systemd service file TA158765 - tftp-hpa: add systemd unit files TA153444 - cfengine: fix segfault in rlist_test TA119251 - gperftools: fixup HOMEPAGE none - xfsprogs: 3.2.3 -> 4.7.0 none - xfsdump: 3.1.4 -> 3.1.6 none - Revert "xfsprogs, xfsdump, dmapi: blacklist, needs upgrade to stay compatible with default kernel" none - python-pip: extend to nativesdk none - python3-pip: add recipe none - python3-django: add recipe none - netmap-modules: remove it from blacklist LIN9-1576 - lmsensors: read cpu information fail on ppc LIN9-1239 - apache2: cve-2016-5387 none - ypbind-mt: get parameters from dhcp none - rrdtool: set NSANE_SKIP for rrdtool-python none - phoronix-test-suite: no php-cli in wrlinux none - ntp: reorder the elements in PACKAGES none - ntp: get parameters from dhcp none - monkey: set CLEANBROKEN none - ltrace: limit to x86 x86_64 and ppc arch only none - libhugetlbfs: remove protocol=http from SRC_URI none - gd: disable jpeg_read test none - curlpp: use libcurlpp as curlpp's provider none - cim-schema: remove do_unpack LIN9-538 - openconnect: fix do_compile failure LIN9-1149 - lmbench: Fix compilation error of gcc format-security LIN8-1783 - iscsitarget: skip the arch test for kernel modules LIN8-1641 - postfix: permission of /var/spool/mail seems incorrect LIN8-1628 - netmap-modules: skip the arch check for kernel module LIN8-1134 - gst-plugins-good: fix depends to libgudev LIN9-2288 - qemu: Fix pci-assign LIN9-687 - gcr: add missing dependencies for vapi LIN9-2323 - runqemu: support mutiple qemus running when nfs LIN9-2323 - runqemu-export-rootfs: fix inconsistent var names none - meta-openembedded: Add me to morty maintainer's list none - openl2tp: Fix build with clang none - lowpan-tools: Fix errors found with clang none - libmnl, nftables: Update versions none - c-ares: update 1.11.0 -> 1.12.0 none - linux-atm: fix do_compile error